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I cannot logon to 1password, but I have the right url, master password, access key and email address

Community Member

I use 1password plugin everyday in my google browser - that is, many times a day I enter my 1password password to unlock it. I have the 1password emergency password kit (so I know the web url to log on to the web. The emergency kit also has the access key and the email address I need), the problem is that I cannot logon to the 1password website. It tells me the password is invalid. But this is not the case because I log on to the chrome plugin all the time. Can you help?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I cannot logon to, but I have the right email address, url, account key and master pwd


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @wyn_ackroyd: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! Did you perhaps use 1Password previous to having an account? If so, you'd have a Master Password specifically for your Primary vault in 1Password for Mac, and this is not part of your 1Password Account. It's possible that you have setup a different Master Password entirely for your 1Password Account, so you'll need to use the correct one there along with the Account Key, email address, and URL. If any of these don't match exactly, you will not be able to login.

    (Un)fortunately AgileBits doesn't ever have either your Account Key or Master Password, as that wouldn't be very secure at all. The Master Password is chosen by you, and the Account Key is generated locally on your device. Neither is ever transmitted.

    We can't recover either of these for you, but if you're part of a 1Password Family or Team, another Owner, Organizer, or Admin can help you recover your account, so you can create a new Account Key and Master Password:

    I hope this helps. I look forward to hearing back from you!

  • wyn_ackroyd
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty,

    Thanks for the explanation. I think you have described the scenario exactly. I think I have two accounts, a personal one and a team one. I found it a little confusing (that is actually a bit of an understatement) managing the vaults and trying to logon and sync the two on various devices.

    I still haven't grasped exactly what is going on, but I can now access website by using the correct password and will explore the situation further.

    Thanks very much for taking the time to reply and the helpful explanation,


  • @wyn_ackroyd On behalf of Brenty, you're welcome. Please let us know if we can do anything to help with the accounts in the future. :)

  • cleeseattle
    Community Member

    Hi there, I am having the same issue. I signed up for a free trial in what seemed to be an individual account, you go to to sign in. I downloaded the app onto my mac and spent 6 hours putting all my usernames and passwords into the app. When I went to try and figure out how to access from my phone, ipad and hubby's phone I realized I must need a family account, which I signed up for. I am able to log in to the family account but as Brenty said, cannot get onto the website page for the individual account. to I get the info I spent so much time entering, that sits in the app on my computer to sync with the family account I created, and can login to? I tried following the instructions but cannot get the "primary 1" vault to appear when trying to "export"....please help! I am tearing my hair out, I have spend a full day and a half trying to get this all to work and am at the end of my rope!

  • Jacob
    edited October 2016

    Hi @cleeseattle! Sorry for the trouble. It looks like you're all set to go with the family account. I'll send you an email so we can discuss account matters privately. :) You can delete the individual account since you no longer need it by signing in to your profile page. Then, from now on make sure to sign in to your family account's address in the apps. You can always find that address on our Emergency Kit.

    One other thing to note is that your family account only has you as a member right now. You can invite your husband by signing in to the account in your browser, clicking the family name in the top right, and choosing Admin Console. From there, click Family Members and the + button. Enter your husband's email address and send him an invite to the account. He will get an Account Key and Master Password of his own, which he can use to sign in on his phone. You can start sharing passwords and other items with him too:

    Share passwords and other items with your whole family

    Let us know how things go! :)

    ref: PBX-94525-656

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