Failure converting msecure csv file to import into 1password

Community Member

I have followed multiple avenues per portal recommendations (for 1password) for file conversion and get this message " AppleEvent handler failed" "Terminal got an error: AppleEvent handler failed. (-10000)" I've used all the readme file methods and it still does not convert. All programs including 1password, msecure app, and this iMac have the latest updates. My iMac is brand new with MacOS Sierra. I used the Applescript_Conversion_Helper file and also tried manually doing conversion with OS command line. It's not converting and need help.

1Password Version: 6.3.3
Extension Version:
OS Version: MacOS Sierra 10.12
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:AppleEvent handler failed


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @apollo97 ,

    I have not yet been able to update to Sierra, so haven't worked out the issue you are seeing with the Applescript Conversion Helper.

    First, be sure to use the 1.09 version of the converter, located in Testing Bits, mentioned in the first thread of the converter suite.

    Second, use the command line, and not the Applescript. Your command will look something like:

    perl msecure -v ../pm_export.txt

    where ../pm_export.txt will depend on the name and location of your export file (adjust the command line as necessary to accommodate your export files path and name). If this isn't working for you, please show the exact command line and output you get from running the command (just copy/paste from the terminal to a reply here).

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @apollo97,

    Did MrC's response help you to get this all working? He wrote the converter utilities, so you're in good hands. Just let us know how it all goes, thanks! :)

  • apollo97
    Community Member

    No luck....

    Last login: Mon Oct 10 18:28:02 on ttys000
    MICHAELs-iMac-2:~ michaelcarlson$ perl msecure -v pm_export.csv
    Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory
    MICHAELs-iMac-2:~ michaelcarlson$

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @apollo97 ,

    You need to change directories into the convert_to_1p4 folder, you placed onto your Desktop.

    cd ~/Desktop/convert_to_1p4

    then run the command.

    The README.pdf walks you through the exact process, step by step.

  • apollo97
    Community Member

    Got it! Thank you!

  • Glad to hear it! :) On behalf of MrC, you're welcome. Hope you enjoy 1Password!

  • mgarofano
    Community Member
    edited January 2017

    Hello. Although the script ran with no issues, I found that too many mSecure records are generally imported in 1Password as "notes" and also that types that are properly recognised instead, such as membership cards, do not gettheir data stored in the right fields. Is there anything I am missing? Should I first adjust all record types in 1Password to reflect the way they are laid out in mSecure and only then import the records? As a second option, can't I just import a plain csv file telling 1Password which field should go where?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2017

    @mgarofano ,

    The msecure converter supports the following stock msecure export categories, mapping them into the supported 1Password categories:

    supported import types:
        bankacct birthdays callingcards clothes combinations creditcard email frequentflyer
        identity insurance login membership note passport prescriptions registrationcodes
        socialsecurity unassigned userdefined vehicleinfo voicemail
    supported export types:
        bankacct creditcard email identity login membership note passport rewards socialsecurity

    If you have custom categories, or have redefiend the mSecure type, the entry's type and field meanings are unknown, and hence must be converted as Secure Notes.

    Does this make sense, and fit what you are seeing?

  • mgarofano
    Community Member

    Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes, that certainly makes sense. What I thought though was that certain mSecure stock categories were escaping the import procedure anyway, being transferred to Secure Notes although I am not sure I ever redefined them. To get the job done now, would it be possibile for me to import a plain .csv file into 1Password and instruct the program on how to parse each field into a category?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @mgarofano,

    If you can identify that some stock mSecure category is being mishandled, I'll fix it right away.

    First, what language is your mSecure data in? The converter is language specific, so if it is not in English, you have to tell it the language to expect.

    Second, the category type of the mSecure export is the second field in its CSV file - you can examine those to see if they match the category names in the top of the, in the table named %card_field_specs. The "textname" field is the one that matters. Also, the number of fields for a given category must match those of the stock mSecure category definition - if you've added or removed fields, since they can be reassigned and reordered, I can't know what the fields mean.

    The "CSV" exported by mSecure is not a strict CSV file - it varies in the number and meaning of each of the columns, so you can't just import that data. 1Password for Mac can import only 4 different categories from CSV: Logins, Credit Cards, Software Licenses and Secure Notes. And you must place the records for each category into their own file. See How to create a 1Password compatible CSV file if you are interestedd.

    It may be possible to customize the msecure converter to handles your records if you have some simple modifications or differences. If you are interested, I'll work with you on this.

This discussion has been closed.