How to type accented characters using press and hold Apple feature??

Community Member

Trying to type accented characters like é ē à ä using well-known press and hold OS X method but it seems not to work with 1Password ..

I'm willing to move from dashlane to 1passwd but this feature is somehow mandatory and seems not available currently. Of course, the characters are not used inside passwords.

Mac App tested, iOS not tested.

1Password Version: current
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:accent


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    sHi @JanS

    When you edit something in 1Password the feature "Secure Input" is enabled. This is a security feature that protects you against key loggers and other similar threats, however it does come with a price and that is that press and hold will be disabled. Luckily, there are several alternatives for this! I type in Spanish and French often so I'm not a stranger to the needs of special characters on all my apps :chuffed:

    I'm not sure what special characters/accents you need, but if they are related to a specific language, then adding the keyboard to your "Input sources" and then switching to it as source input is just one click. To add more keyboard options you can go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources. If you want to see where these special characters are you can click on the language icon by the clock and then "Show Keyboard viewer". For example, in the Spanish keyboard, ñ is straight up a character with no more hassle :chuffed:

    If changing the input source on your keyboard is not a great option for you, this list can help you get all your accents and special characters easily with the standard American English keyboard input.

    Finally if you are used to press and hold and want to go through the easy route that gets the job done, you can always write the text with accented characters on TextEdit or something similar and copy-paste it into 1Password :chuffed:

    Please let us know if you try any of these options and what you think about them. If you give some more details about how you use the special accents we might have further advice for you :chuffed:

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