Upgrade Questions re Versions and Files

Community Member
edited October 2016 in Mac

Upgraded from version 3 to version 6.3.3 to-day.
Using Mac OS X 10.11.6

In 1Password application -> Software Licenses I have three entries
(1) 1Password4 version 4.2.2 - order # 8210550 created 19 Apr 2014
(2) 1Password5 version 5.4.1 - order # 8210550 created 02 Non 2015
(3) 1Password6 version 6.1 - order # 8210550 created 03 Mar 2-16

Should I discard all of these since I have version 6.3.3?

In ~/Library I have
(1) Preferences
(2) LaunchAgents
(3) Application Support/1Password
(4) Application Support/1Password4
3rd Party Integration

Can I discard any of these without losing my data?

Should I discard any of these?

Al Maloney

1Password Version: 6.3.3
Extension Version: 4.6.1
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @amaloney,

    Thanks for writing in with your questions! I'll be happy to answer them:

    Should I discard all of these since I have version 6.3.3?

    It looks like all three of those Software License items are for the same license from the same order. The same license works for 1Password 4, 5, and 6 for Mac, and when you activate the app by applying your license file, it automatically adds it as an attachment to a Software License item for safekeeping. The specific version numbers shows in those items (4.2.2, 5.4.1, and 6.1) were simply the version of the app that was installed at the time each Software License item was created.

    If all three of those Software License items are actually for the same license, you don't need to keep all three of them, but you should keep one because it has your license info. You can update the version number in that item if you want to, but it doesn't matter (again, it's just showing the version that was installed when that item was automatically created).

    Can I discard any of these without losing my data?

    Should I discard any of these?

    Some of the files you mentioned are left over from 1Password 3 and are no longer needed, but you don't need to remove them (they shouldn't cause any problems). But if you really want to remove the left over files from 1Password 3 (again, you don't need to), the following are safe for you to delete:

    • ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist

    • ~/Library/Application Support/1Password (You can delete the 1Password folder from Application Support, but DO NOT delete the 1Password 4 folder.)

    Other files you mentioned are essential for 1Password 6 and include the folder that contains all your 1Password data, so you definitely do not want to delete those!

    Hopefully that answers your questions, but please let us know if you need anything else. We're always happy to help! :)

  • amaloney
    Community Member

    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    As far as I know, the last time I purchased an upgrade licence for 1Password was for version 3 (or maybe version 2).
    I did not purchase the upgrade to version 6 until 2016.10.10 which is version 6.3.3.
    It puzzles me that I have licences for which I did not pay.

    I presume that the three items apply to the same licence. (How would I know?)

    So, I can discard the first two (referring to 1Password 4 & 5) and keep the item referring to v 6.1?

    Will there ever be a folder 1Password 6 in Application Support?

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @amaloney

    I checked our record and you got an upgrade for versions 4/5/6 back in 2014, what you purchased a couple of days ago is an upgrade that lets you use 1Password on windows as well. If that's not what you wanted, and you won't use 1Password on Windows you can write an email to us to support+licenses@agilebits.com so you can get a refund for your Purchase a couple of days ago :chuffed: If you want, you can delete 4 and 5, however it would be easier to just keep them. About your last question, I'm very sorry but I don't fully understand what you mean. If you download 1Password from our site the App will be called "1Password 6" but I'm not sure if this is what you mean.

  • amaloney
    Community Member

    (1) I did not know that I had already paid for an upgrade to versions 4/5/6 in 2014. The beginning of the licence key that I can see begins with '1PW3-' which I assumed referred to version 3. The email about my version 6 licence has no licence key listed for my 1Password 6 for Mac.
    (2) There is a folder at ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4. Now that I have version 6.3.3 will that folder be replaced by one called "1Password 6"? Or, does the "1Password 4" apply to my version 6?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @amaloney,

    (1) I did not know that I had already paid for an upgrade to versions 4/5/6 in 2014.

    I'm very sorry for the confusion about that! The purchase you made in 2014 was to upgrade your license from 1Password 3 to 1Password 4. Versions 5 and 6 were released later, and were free upgrades for anyone who had a 1Password 4 for Mac license. The same license file you received for 1Password 4 also works with versions 5 and 6.

    The beginning of the licence key that I can see begins with '1PW3-' which I assumed referred to version 3.

    Indeed, a license code that begins with "1PW3" is for 1Password 3 for Mac. When purchasing a license for 1Password 4/5/6 for Mac, customers used to also receive a free license for 1Password 3 in case they needed it for an older Mac with OS X 10.7 (Lion) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Therefore, if you received an email with information about the license you bought in 2014, it would have included information about your 1Password 4/5/6 license file, as well as your 1Password 3 license code.

    The email about my version 6 licence has no licence key listed for my 1Password 6 for Mac.

    Earlier this year, we stopped automatically generating 1Password 3 license codes with new purchases in order to avoid confusion (and because very few customers need a brand new license code for 1Password 3 for Mac). The license you just purchased includes a license code for 1Password 4 for Windows (which starts with "1PWB") as well as a license file for 1Password 4/5/6 for Mac.

    However, you don't need to worry about the new license information if you'll be refunding that purchase. Again, I'm sorry for any confusion!

    (2) There is a folder at ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4. Now that I have version 6.3.3 will that folder be replaced by one called "1Password 6"? Or, does the "1Password 4" apply to my version 6?

    The '1Password 4' folder in ~/Library/Application Support/ is the data/backup directory used by versions 4, 5, and 6. It made sense to include the '4' in the name of that folder when we first released 1Password 4 from Mac, as it was a separate app from 1Password 3 and required its own data directory. 1Password 5 and 6 for Mac were written as updates for version 4, so they use all of the same data files & folders as version 4 did. Changing the folder name for each new version could actually have caused lots of problems, so we kept the '4'.

    I hope that helps to clear things up, but please let us know if you have more questions! :)

  • amaloney
    Community Member

    Now I understand!
    Thanks for the very clear explanations.
    Sorry to be such a bother.

    Al Maloney

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @amaloney

    On behalf of Drew, you're very welcome! We're always glad to help you and to answer any and every question you have :chuffed: I see you have written the email to us so we'll continue the conversation over there, someone will be in touch soon. Have a great day!

    ref: RYJ-21648-798

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