Email does not get filled even the field type is email


When filling a form using identity, the email does not fill even the field type in HTML is specified as email.

1Password Version: 6.5.BETA-23
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ollifi,

    Is the form that you're trying to fill directly on the page? Maybe you can take a screenshot of the page/form where filling is failing and post it here? I'm having trouble locating where it is, mostly because I don't read Finnish. :)

    Thanks in advance!

  • ollifi
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    @sjk it shouldn't be too difficult to find, there's just one input with type "email" in that page =) it's located below "Haluatko ilmoituksen palvelun julkaisusta?" text (use ctrl+f to find). Yeah, it's directly on that page.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ollifi,

    sjk's confusion is we don't normally get asked about newsletter forms, it's more commonly registration pages, payment pages and so on so we're geared towards looking for forms asking for multiple pieces of information.

    So while it is an input field of type email, when we fill Credit Card and Identity items the type is only used to say whether certain heuristics are applicable or not, it isn't part of the ranking. So being an email input field we do see if it matches our clues relating to whether it's a field we want to fill but our hints currently have limited Finnish support. When we don't match against any of the keywords we typically see we fail to see it as an email field.

    Now better support for Finnish can't be argued against at all but here's where it gets slightly more complicated. We know many pages where people want 1Password to fill include search fields and newsletter registration fields and so we really don't want 1Password to fill these. So even if we improve support for Finnish it could still lead to us not filling this field if we correctly recognise it as a newsletter form.

    So I'm genuinely unsure what the outcome here will be. We're not filling it right now because we need to improve awareness of Finnish but once we do improve we're probably not going to fill because we see it as a newsletter form. If I've misunderstood anything please do let us know.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ollifi,

    Sorry, I forgot to say. I moved your query to our filling and saving section as the issue wasn't beta specific - I found the same issue when testing the stable. This seemed a better place to continue the conversation :smile:

  • ollifi
    Community Member

    Thanks for the thorough reply, I appreciate it :) Yeah, indeed, it's a newsletter form, if they're not supposed to be filled at all, I understand it! Good to know.

    About the better Finnish support, I'm currently 1Password Finnish translator, so I'd be happy to help with better Finnish BRAIN (am I using the correct word here?) support. You can send me e-mail, the address you'll find from my profile. Thanks!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @ollifi,

    Thank you for the offer and indeed any work you've done to help improve Finnish localisation in 1Password. As we use CrowdIn we're dependent and grateful for any help in making 1Password better to use in more languages. The BRAIN though is closed off so there isn't currently a way to help there I'm afraid. I'm not sure how large a task it would be to automate merging of CrowdIn translations into a form we can use but it is something for us to consider. I shall have to make a note of this to see what somebody more experienced thinks :smile:

  • ollifi
    Community Member

    You're welcome! I'm glad to help. Yeah, I understand it's not easy task to implement BRAIN in Crowdin. I meant, I could help with that with some other way, like via e-mail. I've seen other languages like Swedish included in the release notes, so I don't see any issue enhancing Finnish support as well.

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the gracious reply! Our steps with other languages are very small and usually pretty basic. Eventually, improved support for more international locales is something we want to do like Lil Bobby said, but running a CrowdIn (or similar) program is a big undertaking and in order to make it go smoothly, we need infrastructure in place to, for instance, help contributors create test cases to accompany the improvements they're submitting. So, there's quite a bit of work to do but it is something we need to address in the future as 1Password gains an ever widening user base beyond English.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

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