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Single master password for local and online vaults?

Community Member

I recently signed up for a 1Password Families account. I created my new master password and then signed in on my Mac. So now I have 3 vaults:

  1. Primary – the old local vault
  2. Personal – Families vault
  3. Shared – Families vault

I then moved my Primary vault data to Personal. At this point I still have 2 master passwords: for my old Primary vault and the new one for the Families account.

Now I have a couple of questions:

A. If I delete my old Primary vault, will I now unlock 1Password on my Mac with the new master password?

B. I need a local vault that will not be synced. If I create a new vault, this will mean I have a 2nd master password too right? Is it possible to only have 1 password in this situation?

Thanks for clarifying :)


  • Hi @blogjunkie! Great questions. If you delete your Primary vault, 1Password on your Mac will be unlocked with your account's Master Password. To get a local vault and use your new Master Password, you can simply change the Master Password for the Primary vault you have now. If you'd like that password to be different, delete the vault and create a new one as you mentioned. Hope that helps!

  • blogjunkie
    Community Member

    Alright, thanks for confirming

  • No problem at all. :) Happy to help.

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