Filling a readonly input


I see a couple of threads discussing that authors should use readonly on password inputs to prevent 1Password from filling them (here and here), but I have a very annoying bank that forces me to enter a long numerical password using an on-screen keypad. They have readonly set on the password field, because security.

1Password used to fill this OK in Chrome, but I guess this changed in a recent version. If I remove the password="password" via the web inspector the auto filling works again.

Is there a way of overriding this?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 (6.2.9200)
Sync Type: OpVault/DropBox
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:OPX-776, kb:undefined, kb-search:readonly


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @hh10k,

    We're looking to address this. We added not interacting with read-only fields to try and make 1Password better but didn't realise how many sites were deliberately using read-only fields on their login pages. So we will hopefully be altering the extension so that we keep the benefit it offers in certain places while not having it stop filling with the more unusual sites. Hopefully it won't be too long.

  • hh10k
    Community Member

    Thanks for the quick reply, I'll just edit the DOM for a while longer then.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hopefully you won't be forced to for too long.

This discussion has been closed.