Extension authentication trouble in Chrome and Opera



  • Fireball
    Community Member

    Very much related to all of the above, but on a Mac. After the latest update, locked out of the browser extension. Page comes up, so far in both Chrome and Opera, with a number code, __but nothing else--no authorization button_ leaving me with no access to the extension. To be clear (I'll leave out sending a screenshot for now) I get a tab in both Chrome and Opera with the 1P icon on top, and a box with six numbers headed by the phrase, "Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password." Did some of the things the Windows guy did, such as restarting, loading a new extension; opened the mothership (the main 1P program) looking around for a clue, and found none--so I'm locked out and a little irritated, not least because 1P's communications are so damn folksy and cyber-friendly--a contrast. Note of that is a big deal, but being unable to use 1P in a browser, obviously, is.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Fireball: I hope you don't mind, but I've split you off into a separate discussion since your case is a bit different. Normally this is due to "Mac versus PC", but when it comes to the extensions (which are shared by both) browser differences are the main factor.

    In this case, issues with "security" software or corrupt profiles are less of an issue with Chrome and Opera, but if you do have something that may be interfering (extensions too), be sure to disable it temporarily to see if it helps.

    However, on the MacOS side of things, most of the reports about issues with browser integration since the update to use mutual authentication come down to one of these:

    • Modification of the 1Password mini menu bar icon, which is what handles the authentication popup for the app — do you have 1Password mini disabled, or are you using Bartender or something similar?
    • A local connection issue at the system level — be sure to update your browsers and the 1Password extension to the latest version and restart your Mac, as this often clears things right up.

    I'd be really frustrated too, so hopefully this points you in the right direction. But if you're still having trouble, it's hard to say more without some basic information: be sure to let me know the exact OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions you're using. We'll get this sorted out for you! :)

  • Fireball
    Community Member

    @brenty: After giving up for the evening yesterday and going about other things (watching the Cubs lose which was rad) I opened Chrome to find, exactly as you posted, the icon itself having a drop-down with the code numbers and the opportunity to accept. Now it works in all browsers, but what a cocked-up process . . .

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excellent! Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that it's working for you now. And I really appreciate the feedback on this. We'll continue to iterate on it.

    The most important thing is that nothing can sneak past you by pretending to be the 1Password extension. Based on the timing, and the fact that it suddenly works now, I think it may have been blocked by a pending update in Chrome. I just got this when opening the browser now, despite using it every day and it having been out for nearly a week already.

    It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help! :)

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