"CMD-OPTION \" Causes 1Password Mini to open in Apple menu bar rather than in the browser

Community Member

If either Safari or Chrome is the active application, it USED to be that hitting "CMD-OPTION \" opened the mini in the browser's window (below the browser's 1P icon).

However, recently when hitting "CMD-OPTION \" under the same conditions, the 1P mini opens in the Apple menu bar, often on a different screen in this 3-monitor setup.

1) Why the change?
2) Is this legitimate operation or is something compromised?
3) Is there a way to get the 1P mini to open in the browser's window as used to be the case?


1Password Version: 6.3.4
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.12
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:mini


  • jpgoldberg
    1Password Alumni

    I'm not entirely sure why you are seeing a sudden change in behavior just now, but on the whole showing the 1Password mini near the menu bar is safer than showing it just within the browser. It proves to you that what is opening up isn't some potentially malicious script running in the browser. Note that if you use an app like Bartender, then placement can be a little more confusing.

    This doesn't mean that you should panic if you see mini open within window areas controlled by your browser, as the placement of the popup is tricky (and we will try to place it at the the extension icon when that is clicked on).

  • Jeff
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    OK, but I'm still not sure what the intended action should be:

    If I hit "CMD-OPTION \" while the browser is foremost, where do you intend the 1P mini window to show up: at the browser's 1P icon, or at the Apple menu bar's 1P icon? Or, hopefully not, that you intend for it to show up randomly at either location?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Jeff,

    As jpgoldberg mentioned, the placement of the 1Password mini window can be tricky, so there are some things that might cause it to appear somewhere other than expected. But in general, if the browser is the foremost app, and if the 1Password extension is installed, and if you've never manually moved the 1Password mini window to another position, we try to place it at the extension icon in the browser. If it opens on a different screen for you, it makes sense that it would open near the icon in the menubar.

    It can also work differently depending on if you click on the extension icon in your browser or if you use the keyboard shortcut. Clicking on the extension icon should always open it there. If the mini window was ever moved to a non-default location, using the keyboard shortcut should open it in that same non-default location. If you would like it to open near the extension icon when you use the keyboard shortcut, you can drag it there (click and hold the very top of the 'Search' field to drag the mini window).

    Again, keep in mind that it's tricky to have that window always open at the exact same location since there are various things that can cause it to change.

    I hope that helps, but please let us know if you need anything else. Cheers! :)

  • Jeff
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    Thank you, that explained it nicely. And now, having manually moved the 1P mini window back to the browser, it does indeed open there, although if I move the browser window to another monitor the 1P mini window continues to open in the now empty 1st monitor (it seems to be physically owned by and positioned to the monitor & screen coordinates, rather than owned by the browser and aligned to its coordinates.)

    My original concern was driven more by a worry that the window showing up where I didn't expect it might be evidence of some nefarious activity, but you seem to have put that to rest


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome, I'm glad my explanation was helpful!

    Hopefully you're all set now, but we're here for you if you have more questions. Have a great weekend! :)

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