Three field login not working



I am using Chrome 54.

I am trying to automate the login to Qantas. It has three fields. (id, surname and pin)

There are a number of posts on this forum directing the user to create a login manually using this process.

That however doesn't work for me. When I select Save-New-Login nothing happens.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

1Password Version: 6.3.4
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: DropBox


  • melchior
    Community Member

    Restarted chrome and 1Password and I was able to save a login. But it does not save the three fields. Only surname and pin.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @melchior,

    Sorry you're having trouble getting 1Password to save and fill all three fields for the Qantas login. Is this what the Login form looks like?

    Here's how I created a Login item that filled all three fields on that form:

    Next I quit and reopened Chrome, reopened the Qantas page and clicked Log in again, pressed the ⌘\ (Command-Backslash) keyboard shortcut, and all fields were filled (autosubmit is disabled):

    Please let us know if you're using a different Login form and steps to create your Login item so we can better figure out why it's not working properly for you. Thanks!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @melchior,

    Just to add to what @sjk wrote, if you're saving a Login item and then looking at it from inside 1Password then this is something we run into a bit. Login items will only ever show you the username and password fields at the top. These are two of the hardcoded fields that are always present in Login items. What about pages where you need more than just these two fields though? This is where saving a Login item from inside the browser comes in. When you do this the section titled web form details records a snapshot of the page and it's in here that you should find all three fields. This is what gets used when we fill three fields. So even if you don't see the last name next to the username and password it's worth trying to fill as the web form details may very well have a record of what is needed. That isn't to say we may not struggle on a particular site and when we do please do let us know.

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