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All those items in Trash; how did they get there?

1-Password works so smoothly that I rarely look at the app itself. This morning I notice the Trash, containing 315 items (my functional, non-Trash items total is 298). How did such a large number of items get there? Perhaps I did something in the past to put that many items in the Trash but I don't recall doing so. Key question then is (and perhaps you can't easily answer): is it safe to empty the Trash? Do I risk tossing out items I should keep?

1Password Version: 6.5 beta 24
Extension Version: 4.6.1
OS Version: 10.12.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in.

    Unfortunately I really have no way of knowing the answer to either of your questions. One thing I can say is that whenever you generate a password with the password generator in the browser extension a 'password' item is created. If you later save that password into a login item using the browser extension the password item will be moved to the trash. That accounts for a good number of items in my trash. So that could be one possible source.

    The only way to answer your second question would be to review the items in the trash. Do similar items exist outside the trash? Are you still able to login to all of your important sites with the items being in the trash? The browser extension will not fill items that are in the trash, so if you're able to login then you aren't using the trashed item.

    Also, 1Password for Mac makes automatic backups of your data. So if you decide to test the waters by emptying the trash, you can always restore a backup from prior to doing that:

    1Password backups

    Please let us know how it turns out.


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