Not filling username on WestJet Rewards site


Hello. I am having trouble where 1Password won't fill in the username on the WestJet Rewards site ( It does fill in the password, but not the username.

If I disable auto-submit and I press CTRL-\ a second time, then it actually does fill in the username. The fact it works after a second press leads me to believe 1Password is configured correctly.

I've checked the console and there isn't any script errors or anything obvious that might be causing trouble.

Also, it's worth mentioning that it does work correctly on the main WestJet page. Unfortunately, they do not have SSO into their Rewards site, so that requires a second login using the same credentials.

I found another discussion on this forum from a couple years ago regarding WestJet and it sounds like there was a similar bug at that time which has since been resolved. Perhaps the same bug applies to this page which lies on a different domain.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: (Google Chrome)
OS Version: Windows 10 6.2.9200
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @Transient. Sorry for the trouble you're having on the WestJet site. I see the same behavior myself, so I looked to see what might be happening. Here's what I found:

    The password field is not actually a password field until you place focus in the field. Until then and if you remove focus from the field, it is a plain text field. (This had an interesting side effect of showing the password field value in plain text when I was attempting to fill some dummy credentials because the text field didn't change to a password field when I was paused in the debugger!)

    Normally, 1Password should be able to handle this Login fairly simply, so I'm not 100% sure what is happening here. We'll need to investigate a little further. The reason 1Password looks like it's not filling the username is because the username and password are being filled into the same field, which of course should not be happening. Here's what I saw when I inspected the list of steps to be executed for filling the form with my test Login:


    As you can see, both the username and password are being filled into the same field, which we are tracking via an expando property called "opid".

    So, what can you do in the meantime while we work on fixing this? I found that after filling the Login once but not submitting, that filling a second time fills the username properly. So, to work around this, you can edit the Login, set it's Submit attribute to Never, and then fill the page twice. After the second fill, your username should be filled in and focus should be in the username field. Then, you can just press return to submit the form.

    I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you right now, but I hope the workaround is helpful until we can get to the bottom of why the filling is failing. Thanks for the report!

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • Transient
    Community Member

    Thanks for the explanation Jamie. I can't imagine why they would design the page to behave in this manner, unless they're intentionally trying to circumvent password managers, but I guess never underestimate the potential for crazy policies at an airline. :smile:

    As a suggestion, perhaps 1Password could have an optional delay between filling fields in the Login's settings. That might cover other cases where the page dynamically changes after first field is filled.

    I'll continue doing the two-fill workaround. If possible, I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could follow up with me if/when the issue is fixed.

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Sure thing, @Transient. Honestly, this is more of a problem with our filling algorithm (I think it might be a regression to be honest.) than a problem with the page. 1Password knows how to handle these kinds of pages, but this one is tripping it up for some reason. We'll get it sorted and let you know when you can try it out. :)

    ref: BRAIN-318

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