Feature request: Make "copy" default action instead of "open and fill" for URL fields

Community Member

The default action when clicking on a URL field is to open and fill in a browser:

I really don't like that. It's very disruptive for my workflow to have a browser window open up. Especially since you don't always know which window it will open to. I also rarely want to autofill from the app. That's what the extension is for in my opinion. Therefor I always choose the "copy" option in the dropdown. But clicking this every time is quite cumbersome since it's really small.

So I'd like to suggest an option to make "copy" the default action for URL fields just like it is for most other fields. I'd prefer if this was simply an option in the preferences. Alternative (or additionally) holding down the ALT-key while clicking could change the behaviour from "open and fill" to "copy".

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @pervel: Thanks for the suggestion! Honestly, I haven't had occasion to want to copy URLs from Login items, as I tend to click them to use them to, well...login — sort of like clicking a link in the browser itself. I'd be interested to hear more about your workflow that has you copying and pasting a lot of URLs. It's certainly something we can consider for a future version. :)

  • pervel
    Community Member

    In general I don't like any program that fires up another program. I don't feel I have enough control over where and how it opens up. I don't feel safe doing this and I never will. I want to have more control over the process. For example, I want to control exactly what browser is being used at any time. Or I want to control which window the site opens in. I sometimes want to open a site in a specific profile in Chrome, or in an incognito window, or avoid that it opens in a window on my secondary monitor, or lots of other things. None of this is I something I expect 1Password or any other program to control for me. In fact, I don't want it to control it.

    That's why I often copy the URL from the app. Of course, I do also use the browser history and bookmarks to easily navigate to sites. For sites I visit often, I also use auto-fill from the 1Password extension. But auto-filling isn't perfect and never will be because sites tend to change their layout. So for sites that I rarely visit, I am reluctant to use auto-fill.

    This isn't a critique of the auto-fill feature of 1Password as such. It's simply a question of wanting more control. Also, I'm old-school and work very fast with keyboard and mouse. I can almost beat the auto-filling manually in terms of efficiency. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @pervel: That's fascinating! Thank you for taking the time to explain that for me. I can certainly see where you're coming from. I definitely manually copy and paste the rare link from an email, since URLs can be masked by javascript or simple HTML. I can also relate to the "app opening something for me" thing to some degree, but I can't for the life of me think of a good example off the top of my head.

    I will say, however, that even if you're reluctant to use 1Password to fill in some cases, I'd definitely recommend doing it anyway. The alternatives are not very good, since you'll either be manually typing or copying and pasting. Having a URL on the clipboard is not much of a security risk. But all apps have access to the clipboard, and I think we all have some we trust more than others. So copying and pasting sensitive data is not ideal. And many websites will actively block this. But while 1Password isn't perfect, in many cases it can fill even when copying and pasting fails. So it's both more secure and more convenient.

    And of course if you do run into filling issues, please let us know so we can make it even better for you and the rest of our awesome customers. Cheers! :)

  • xarph
    Community Member

    I have an additional use case for where this bites me: 1password mini and SSHing deep within the bowels of the network I administer. Not every password is used in a browser!

    Other approaches to this could be auto-typing or full fledged iTerm or terminal.app integration.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed! I have some passwords I need to use over the phone with my bank... :angry:

    Auto-Type is something we'd really love to add to 1Password for Mac. If we can find a reliable and (relatively) secure (given the context) way of doing this, it would be very welcome. :)

  • xumx
    Community Member
    edited December 2016

    I'm talking about a different piece of UI, but a very similar problem

    I'm on windows, trying to use Edge Browser for daily activity. Without an extension, the next best solution is to click the 1password System Tray icon and look for the account password I need. The open URL in default browser just doesn't do anything very useful.

    You already allow copying passwords to clipboard. Please just add an option to make that default.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @xumx: Having 1Password open the URL in the default browser is incredibly useful...provided that you've setup your default to reflect your use. I can totally see how it would be unhelpful to have Edge as the default browser though if you use 1Password with Firefox, for example. Ultimately what we're working toward is having 1Password Go & Fill when you select a login item, and once our collaboration with Microsoft comes to fruition, that should work with Edge too. :)

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