Genius Bar wiped my hard drive and I cannot figure out how to log into my 1 PW account

Community Member

I'm totally confused. I've used 1PW for years, most recently version 6 on my iMac and whatever is the most current on my iOS devices. I had a bad experience installing Sierra on my iMac last week, and despite a current TimeMachine backup, the Genius Bar folks could not do a restore from it and all my data had to be manually copied over to the wiped iMac. I was told that any software I had installed that was not from the App Store would have to be manually installed by me. Since my purchase of 1Pw predates any App Store, I had to redownload it from your website. I have a current data vault in 1Pw on my iOS devices but I simply cannot understand how to get it on the iMac. When I enter my email address I'm told that there is a legacy account/vault or whatnot but it is for 1PW v. 4, and I'm concerned that the data in it is very out of date. When I choose that my information is on another device "More Information" takes me to a webpage full of information and none of it makes sense to me. I had the licenses sent to me, and while I can see the key for Version 3, there is no visible key for Version 6. I don't use it with the Families or Teams options. I want the vault on my iOS devices to sync with the iMac which I've done via wifi for at least the past couple of years. As I vaguely recall you didn't support iCloud syncing for some considerable time so that's why I've used wifi and had no trouble but I'm not necessarily attached to either sync as long as I can do it. I have to believe it is still possible. If it isn't, then by all means use iCloud, but my worst nightmare would be that the current vault on my iPhone and iPad gets overwritten by what must be the very out of date legacy data vault linked to my account on version 4. At one point I was asked for a QR code but I don't see a QR code anywhere. I am completely confused and muddled here and rather frustrated. I am at my wits end. Nothing of this OS update with Apple went right (for the very first time in years), I've had to slog my 27" computer out to the Apple Store and back, and trying to recreate my iMac the way it should be working is so frustrating.

To be clear here I am using the current iOS versions on my iPhone 6s and my iPad Air. Until last week when the iMac went in for service it was all. synced over my wifi with the iOS devices. For some reason for my Mac versions I have three different keys for my 1PW v. 3, and then a single license (which by the way is only a hot link to a web page, I cannot see the key at all in the email that was sent to me). I also own the iOS versions, obviously.

I RELY on this program, using it exactly as you want users to do. But for now I cannot get back to where I was before this OS was installed.

PLEASE can someone help me? I am desperate. Fwiw, I'm a reasonably capable person, adept at much that's required for my iMac and iOS devices, but you have SO many ways to install, recover, sync and so on that it is nearly impossible to figure out what to do.

Thank you.

1Password Version: 6.3.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.1
Sync Type: was wifi, could be iCloud


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @CityGal,

    Sorry to hear about the problems you ran into on your iMac! I'm also sorry you're having trouble syncing your 1Password data back to your Mac again, but we can definitely help you out with that.

    Before doing anything else, you should create a backup of the 1Password data on your iPhone/iPad and save it to your Mac by following the steps here: iOS: Create a backup

    Once you've done that, you'll be able to go through the setup on your Mac. Assuming you're using 1Password 4, 5, or 6 on your iOS devices, you can certainly sync via Wi-Fi again (it's called "WLAN Server" now, but it's the same feature as before). The reason you don't see an option for that during the setup of 1Password for Mac is that Wi-Fi sync / WLAN Server only works in the Mac app if you've already created a vault. (It works differently than the other sync options, and I'm sorry that isn't clear!)

    To set that up, just follow these steps:

    1. Open 1Password on your Mac.
    2. From the 'Welcome' screen, choose "Create Your First Vault" (or "Create a New Vault").
    3. Choose the exact same master password you use in 1Password on your iOS devices.
    4. Once you have a new, empty vault in 1Password on your Mac, follow the steps here: How to use the WLAN server

    Assuming it all goes well, you should now have all your 1Password data back on your Mac again. The data on your iOS devices won't be overwritten - but just in case anything unexpected happens, you'll be able to restore from the backup(s) you created.

    Please let us know how it goes, and if for some reason you run into any problems, just describe what happens and we'll continue from there. Thanks! :)

  • CityGal
    Community Member

    Thank you Drew for your reply. I've been out all day and will not have time until possibly Tuesday afternoon to sit at the iMac and follow the steps you have laid out. I hope it will succeed and I will give you an update at that time. I'm sure o cannot be the first user in this situation. I don't know why there couldn't be your steps laid out for someone who has a current vault on an iOS device who wishes to move it into their iMac? Suppose I had only used the iOS version up until now and just bought my first iMac and wished to "export" the "vault" from the iOS device to the iMac? It amounts to the same situation I find myself in. If I've missed these instructions I apologize. But I've found the terms Agile Bits uses, like "account", "vault", "license", "key" and such to be ambiguous.

    Thanks again.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @CityGal,

    No problem if you aren't able to follow the steps right away. When you do, just let us know how it goes and if you have any questions about that. :)

    I'm sure o cannot be the first user in this situation. I don't know why there couldn't be your steps laid out for someone who has a current vault on an iOS device who wishes to move it into their iMac?

    It's certainly a little confusing if you want to use the WLAN Server option to sync existing 1Password data from iOS to Mac for the first time. However, it's much easier for the other sync options: How to move your 1Password data to a new computer or device

    For example, let's say you had previously been using Dropbox or iCloud to sync 1Password between your Mac and iOS devices - in that case, the first time you installed & opened 1Password on your (wiped) Mac, it would have found your data in Dropbox or iCloud and given you the option to choose that.

    Or if you had been using a account, all you would have needed to do was choose the option to sign into your account the first time you opened 1Password on your Mac. It sounds like you accidentally chose that option at one point, and I'm sorry if that caused any confusion! (We hope to make that a bit clearer in future versions.)

    The WLAN Server option works much differently than the other sync options because the 1Password for Mac app acts as the server, and the 1Password for iOS app acts as the client. In order for the Mac app to be the server, it must have at least one existing vault, which is why there isn't an option for WLAN Server during the initial setup of the Mac app. But you're absolutely right that we should include something to explain that during the setup, as other customers might find themselves in a similar situation. Hopefully we'll be able to improve that in the future.

    I apologize for any inconvenience, and we appreciate your feedback about all that! I look forward to hearing how it all goes once you get a chance to follow my steps. :)

  • CityGal
    Community Member

    Hi Drew,

    I'm out and about right now & I'm not in front of my computer I have not attempted to restore or reset yet. But I did want to mention that I certainly didn't choose the WLAN sync actively. As I recall some years ago l there was some difficulty with sync services for the program, possibly something to do with the fact that some people were buying the program now on the App Store while others of us purchased it directly from you. I really rely on the sync and to not be able to do it would really limit the program's usefulness to me. I am not wedded necessarily to using the WLAN sync but I have to say it is somewhat comforting for me to have my vault held locally and not rely on Dropbox or iCloud for security, frankly. I suppose this would be the time for me to switch to iCloud if there were a good reason to. But I have to say I'm inclined to continue to use the WLAN sync as long as it works. Is it possible to switch to iCloud sync later on if I wish to?

    Once again I hope to get to your instructions later today and hope it goes smoothly.


  • CityGal
    Community Member


    I'm stuck. I've made it all the way through to checking the box in 1PW's WLAN tab at "run a WLAN server from this Mac to sync with iOS and Android devices". But naturally there is a different group of letters in the box below that must match up to those on the iOS devices, which it no longer does because it was different before the wipe.

    On my iPhone, for example, the options are as follows:
    WLAN (which is currently checked)

    Choose a sync method...

    Sync with iCloud
    Sync with Dropbox
    Change WLAN server

    (or Disable sync)

    I suspect that the last before disable is what I want to choose, but when I did try it out it said it was going to Disable Sync and I decided to cancel it here because I was uncertain it was the way to go. If I choose that, will it wipe out any sync settings on the iPhone, and then I can re-select WLAN at the top and I will be prompted to enter the matching group of letters as what appear in the Preferences WLAN Server tab? Will that allow me to connect again?

    And if so, I assume I will go through the same process to sync my iPad?

    I will not continue until I get the right answer from you. I have 540 items I need to move over and I want to be sure they all get there!

    As an aside, if someone has two iOS devices but no Mac, is there a way to sync the vaults between the devices even if there is no iMac to function as a server?

    Thanks for your help,

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @CityGal,

    Sorry for the confusion about that! You're correct: You need to disable the sync settings in 1Password on your iPhone. Once you do that, you'll be able to set up WLAN Server on the iPhone again and enter the new code from 1Password on your Mac.

    And if so, I assume I will go through the same process to sync my iPad?

    Exactly! :) Basically, the 1Password app on each iOS device is still looking for the "old Mac" (i.e. your Mac before you erased it). In order for them to start syncing with the "new Mac", you'll need to disable the WLAN server settings in the iOS app, then set it up again. (This is another thing that is unique to the WLAN Server option - with the other sync options, you wouldn't need to disable/re-enable the sync settings on your iOS devices.)

    As an aside, if someone has two iOS devices but no Mac, is there a way to sync the vaults between the devices even if there is no iMac to function as a server?

    Yes - you could do that by syncing via Dropbox, iCloud, or by using a account.

    And to answer the question from your previous message:

    Is it possible to switch to iCloud sync later on if I wish to?

    Absolutely! You can do that at any time. Just disable WLAN Server in 1Password on each device, then follow the steps here: How to sync 1Password with iCloud

    Let us know how it all goes, thanks! :)

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