ability to take photo of cards other than credit cards and store securely. Medicare, Library, etc

Community Member

I have multiple Doctors cards, Medical cards, Library cards. Being able to import a pic of them into the vault to have them available in a secure medium would be very helpful. Macs Wallet has the same problem - it only lets me put in credit cards that work with bill pay. If you know of a secure way to store these instead of just having them in pic form in my camera roll it would be awesome. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give me.

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.3.5 (635001) AgileBits Store
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.12.1
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:ability to take photo of cards other than credit cards and stored securely. Medicare, Library, etc


  • utrph77004
    Community Member

    I (plus others) have requested adding photos & videos a while back on the iOS side as well. Requests seem to be ignored. Not holding out any hope for your request, but perhaps we both will be pleasantly surprised.

  • utrph77004
    Community Member

    If you use an iPhone or iPad, the workaround I use is to save my photo into a note, in the Notes app, then lock the note. I hate having to use a separate app, but at least it syncs across all devices well via iCloud. AgileBits really needs to add this functionality into their stand alone apps and not require their online account purchase as well.

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    Maybe I am missing something from your post, but I am able to add jpgs of medical cards, library cards, etc on my Mac as attachments in various categories, I.e., credit cards, memberships, etc. I put my medical cards in membership category then tag it as medical, or insurance or whatever.

    I usually scan my cards, but you can take a pic and airdrop or email it to the Mac for inclusion.

    Not perfect, but it is a workable solution.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @blkmaverick777

    Thank you for taking some time to write to us. I'm not sure whether you are using a 1Password account, or local vaults. Either way, you can have important images like the ones you mention here. If you're using local vaults, you can attach an image to any item. Just click on "Edit" on the bottom right corner and you'll be able to see "attachments" by the bottom where you can drag and drop a file or choose from a folder. If you are using an account then this will work a little be differently, you'll have a "Documents" category where you'll be able to save all this sensitive information.

    I want to mention to both you and @utrph77004 that while you can't directly add the attachments on iOS yet you can open and see them both on local vaults and accounts. I'm sorry if there's been some confusion about this. We get a huge amount of requests and ideas for new features, we do listen to you all and do our best to find solutions to what you all want to see. Some features are harder to implement than others, or have constraints or possible problems that makes implementation so much harder. I'm very sorry if it feels differently for you, we're always working to improve 1Password :chuffed:

    Thanks @rlgleason51 for chiming in and sharing with us how you use 1Password, I hope your ideas help utrph77004 and blkmaverick777.

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