No option to manually "Save New Login" w/ Chrome Extension?


I was attempting to follow this guide to create a multi-page login however on step 1.3 I found there was no option "Save New Login".

When I click the 1Password icon on Chrome's bar followed by the gear I see only the following:

  • Options
  • Open 1Password
  • Password Generator
  • Lock
  • 1Password 6.1.296d

How can I resolve this?

1Password Version: 6.1.296d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10.0.14393
Sync Type: Cloud?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @teh_trout,

    Sorry about that. 1Password 6 for Windows is still playing catchup to all the features that our users of either 1Password for Mac or 1Password 4 for Windows have been accustomed to. Unfortunately it will take a while to get it up to speed and it's all because the entire codebase behind 1Password 6 for Windows is new. It means they had a lot of work to get it to where it is just now while the likes of 1Password 6 for Mac has had a massive head start with a few years worth of development time behind it now.

    Thankfully there is a workaround here. While not as elegant as saving a Login item from inside the browser, creating a new Login item manually from inside 1Password 6 for Windows will have the same behaviour as one saved in the browser when it comes to a multi-page login. At some point I have no doubt 1Password 6 for Windows will have the ability to manually save from inside the browser but until then at least creating a Login item in the main window should work.

    If you find it struggles to fill after having created it please do let us know as we may be able to help.

  • teh_trout
    Community Member

    Thanks, I'll try your workaround at some point. Glad to know I wasn't doing something crazy!

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Definitely not, @teh_trout! The Windows team is playing a bit of catchup to make up years of head start that the other platforms have since they've written everything brand new from scratch, but they are simply on fire and making up ground very quickly. :)

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