1Password on Mac failing to update passwords on sites

Community Member
edited November 2016 in Mac

There is a serious bug in 1P for Mac. Each time I go to change my password with a website, I have to copy paste it into a notepad, because 1P fails to properly refresh about 70% of the time. Sure there are the prompts that say update the password, but it STILL reverts to the old password. So i end up relogging into the same site i just changed my password on because 1P is sooo slow to update the keychain.

AND I have use Safari keychain because it manages to do a better, faster job than 1P

There is some kinda background refresh problem within 1P. This happens on various sites, some wont even let me copy paste a stronger password at all at certain sites.

Anyway the main frustration point is, I know for a fact that there is serious lag or something in the background where it just fails to update my 1P database right after a password change. Cause i have to always relogin to the site just so 1P can capture that new password.

There has got to be better solution than this...

I've spent a solid week for about 30 hours rechecking all my sites and most are still showing the old weak passwords...

I am beyond frustrated...

No major glitches on iOS so far as i know.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sandbox,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble updating passwords in your Login items! It should of course be working much better than that, and we'll be happy to help you get to the bottom of this.

    First, we'll need to know some more details about your setup and about the problem:

    • What version of OS X / macOS are you running on your Mac?
    • What exact version of the 1Password app is installed on your Mac?
    • Are you using the AgileBits Store version or the Mac App Store version of 1Password?
    • What version of Safari are you using? (Or if the problem is happening with a different web browser, what browser are you using, and what version?)
    • What version of the 1Password extension is installed in Safari and/or other browsers?
    • Please take a look at our steps to change your passwords on websites. Can you please let us know if those are the exact steps you're following? Or if not, what do you do differently?
    • When you submit a 'change password' form on a website, do you see a prompt from 1Password to update an existing Login item?
    • If it prompts you to update a Login, and you click the button to update it, what happens next? If you immediately open the main 1Password app and find that Login item, does it show the new password or the old one?
    • You mentioned it "reverts to the old password". Do you mean the new password appears in the Login item at first, but seems to change itself back to the old one at some point?

    Once we hear back with that information, we should have a better idea of how to help you with this. Thanks in advance! :)

  • sandbox
    Community Member

    Hi Drew,

    1) mac OS Sierra 10.12
    2) 1P = 6.3.3
    3) Mac App store version
    4) Safari extension on Mac = Version 10.0 (12602., havent tried Chrome yet.

    Here's what typically happens.
    I have an existing acct with a site, for ex: Yahoo
    PW = Password

    • I login to Yahoo with old PW.
    • Head straight to account settings to change old PW, to a 1Pass-worthy version of complexity :-)
    • If necessary, click save button or select the unique URL from the PW email reset.
    • Go to 1P on Mac to change PW and jumble the PW, then physically Click "Save" for that Yahoo login.
      (I may try shorter, less complex PW depending if Site allows for Special Ch's, length, etc)

    • Either I enter new PW, then it autologs me into Yahoo or I have to re-login to Yahoo after establishing the new PW.

    • Login to Yahoo.
    • Click elsewhere so that the 1P window prompts to save the updated PW > select Yes.
    • Logout of Yahoo.
    • Go to a different site, say Apple.
    • Go back to Yahoo to login using the 1P updated logins.
    • Wrong Login info the error says :-(

    • Now forced to redo the Lost Password steps from Yahoo.

    When that happens, I do the steps above again, then I log out, BUT...!
    Immediately relogin to Yahoo to force that 1P window prompt to "Update Existing"

    Most times I utilize Safari Keychain to doubly ensure I saved that updated PW on both ends.

    And almost 75-80% of the time 1P usually lags or doesnt even save the updated PW at all...

    IF, I dont do the above steps of logging out and logging back in immediately after updating PW.

    Now, I believe there is some kinda lag it sends to 1P on Mac because I
    know for sure I watch and CLICK Save the updated PW on 1P.

    Using Safari keychain and it seems to update the PW faster
    in its own area. Whereas, I go to 1P on Mac and reveal the past passwords and find it didnt change...

    I know I updated the PW effectively because Safari keychain shows the updated PW.

    Sometimes I start from scratch with a login save on 1P [on Mac] , I hit the Plus sign and enter manually
    the initial details of a login creation [PW jumble only], just so I can the complex PW generator.
    [Note: I typically withhold the URL from this part particularly on 1P because I dont want 1P and Safari to accidentally conflict with me updating the old PW on Yahoo]

    So, its just a username and PW. Get it? (Did I lose you yet? hope this makes sense :-).
    I'm trying my best to reproduce the steps for you so that you can recreate at a fairly high % I am experiencing.

    I've observed the steps with links you sent me and can say Im doing it properly.

    I typically dont do Step 2 in that PW creation process because it seems buggy and I was experiencing lag.

    Thank you for replying Drew and sorry the delay, and angry tone, I was just...really frustrated.
    Needed a bit of time to type this reply and answer your questions as much as i could. :-)

  • sandbox
    Community Member

    Just realized about my Step 2 comment. Meant to say, I don't do that part "In Safari" extension button, click/flow.
    Hope this makes sense.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sandbox: Thanks for following up. This is really baffling. We're actually in the process of doing a review on save/fill/update on popular sites, and Yahoo is one that's passed with flying colours. But it sounds like this is a bit different. It isn't completely clear from your description, but it sounds like 1Password is

    1. Offering to update your login
    2. You're saving it
    3. But 1Password is not saving the new password in the login item
    4. Yet it is saving it in a Password item, so that you can recover it

    If true, that's crazy. #3 sounds like 1Password is failing to write to the database, but #4 proves that it isn't. So something else must be going on here. When you update a login, does the modified date of the item change?

    However, it seems like you're pretty well out of date with the 1Password app (like, two months), and while you didn't answer Drew's question about which extension version you're using, we definitely want to check that as well. There may be a discrepancy between the two which is contributing to this odd behaviour. Please do the following:

    1. Update 1Password
    2. Remove the 1Password extension from your browsers
    3. Update your browsers
    4. Restart your Mac
    5. Install the latest browser extensions

    You'll need to authorize the connection. Just match the codes between the browser and 1Password, and then let me know if you're still having trouble with updating passwords. If you are, the best thing to do will be to immediately generate a diagnostic report so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Please send it to support+forums@agilebits.com with a link to this discussion and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. Also, knowing your timezone and the date/time of the incident will help us find it in the logs. We will get to the bottom of this! :)

  • sandbox
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty,

    I was only using Yahoo as an example. I havent had any issues with that site.
    But certain sites sometimes just revert/lag on using the updated 1Password I just made.

    To make this simpler for you guys to test, I am using a brand new Macbook Pro [Touchbar]. [The original test was on a MB Pro 13 in Retina.] So for sure, this one Im on now is a brand new rig on Sierra 10.12.1. And im still experiencing some problems.

    I downloaded from Mac App store 1P latest build. And installed the latest extension for Safari.

    I can assure you, I am following everything exactly and properly. There is some kinda lag going on though and Im STILL...Still....
    Having to do the copy paste method to a notepad to ensure im using the latest password for a given site.

    Case in point, I tried logging into a site just now [For example - etrade.com]
    They have a password criteria of max 32 characters and can only use certain Special Characters.

    So...I generate a new one and make sure I use the allowed character limit / special characters.

    Still with me right? :-)

    I was prompted earlier to reset my password because the old one [which was 1P generated, was incorrect]
    No prob.

    Leme go into the 1P app on Mac [not Safari] to generate that new pass > Generated > Clicked Save > Waited a minute for server to update.

    Next, I went back to Safari > entered new copied 1Pass > Got a prompt from site [etrade] that validated the new Pass. Yay!

    Next, it shot me back to login screen where 1P autofilled the new pass.

    As soon as I hit button to login, the 1P prompt comes up and says do i wanna create or update existing 1P login for this site, etrade.
    Also, Safari Keychain comes up offering the same prompt as well > which is update the pass.

    then Etrade says, wrong password, try again. BOOM!!!!
    Now I know for a fact that there is some lag happening in the background!
    Cause that is the same damn error that happens 7/10 times.

    LUCKILY...I pasted that new 1Pass to my notepad app.
    So...I copied that 1Pass and entered back into the pass field of eTrade and voila, it finally logs me in.

    You can see my frustration with the extra steps / workaround to ensure 1P successfully updates a sites login.

    To answer your questions:
    -- Yes the Modified date does change. I now see a list of time stamps and dates of when i hit save.
    -- And yes, I do see I added the version of both 1P app and Safari extension version in my original reply.

    Sorry for the delayed responses, im super busy with work and havent had time to type this lengthy reply.
    Im going bananas cuz i know this cant be User Error...haha.

    I'll try to do this diagnostic report you mentioned.


  • sandbox
    Community Member

    By the way, heres the versions im currently using

    Version 6.5.2 (652002)
    Mac App Store

    1Pass mini on Safari extension version = 4.6.1

  • sandbox
    Community Member

    Ok, I emailed a report to the team. Please look out for it. Sent 2 emails, one with extra info cuz I accidentally sent the first one with less info.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sandbox: Thanks for getting back to me! I see that we've received both emails, so we can continue the conversation there. We'll take a look at the diagnostics and get back to you shortly! :)

    ref: PYV-91161-635

This discussion has been closed.