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Individual vs Family account given my circumstance.

Community Member

I did some searching of your wonderful help articles and searched the forum but didn't come up with a solid answer to my particular scenario.

My wife and I would like to use your software to keep track of our passwords. No information needs to be private from the other. We also have a joint email that we can use to sign up with. So it seems like the individual account would be the way to go for us. Here are the particulars that I'm wondering about:

  1. We each have out own accounts on common websites (e.g. facebook, google, etc). Does an Individual account handle this well?
  2. If we each have 40 passwords we want to track (80 total) is the software either smart enough or allow us to divide it in a way that it's not a pain to sift through all 80 passwords to find the one we want? I suspect the family account would automatically separate our stuff out, I'm just wondering if an individual account has a similar feature even if it's a manual process to separate our passwords into two different buckets.
  3. Any other issues that two people run into when using an "individual" account that we should consider (besides privacy)?

Cheers, and thanks for making what looks to be an awesome product!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Earendil

    I'm glad to hear you want to use 1Password! As a fellow Tolkien fan, your username gave me a huge smile :love:

    The easiest way for you and your wife to use 1Password is to get a Family account, 1Password will sort everything out for you and will also let you share what you need to share instead of everything. Are you sharing the same computer, with one single user? This would be the main scenario in which an individual account would be easier to manage. However, let me tackle each of your questions here :chuffed:

    We each have out own accounts on common websites (e.g. facebook, google, etc). Does an Individual account handle this well?

    You could add an identifier to each of those accounts, for example "Facebook Earendil" and "Facebook Elwing" to each of the accounts. The names would automatically be "Facebook" so you'd have to remember to manually add the extra information :chuffed:

    If we each have 40 passwords we want to track (80 total) is the software either smart enough or allow us to divide it in a way that it's not a pain to sift through all 80 passwords to find the one we want? I suspect the family account would automatically separate our stuff out, I'm just wondering if an individual account has a similar feature even if it's a manual process to separate our passwords into two different buckets.

    Your guess is right, this gets done automatically with an account. If you get an individual account you can still create an extra "vault" or even two and each of you can store things on your respective vault. You can create as many vaults as you need either on a Family or Individual account. You'd probably have to play and experiment with the settings of 1Password on different devices to see what configuration works best at keeping things in place.

    Any other issues that two people run into when using an "individual" account that we should consider (besides privacy)?

    Usually for two people we encourage to get a Family account, as this is exactly what this was designed for. I can't say that we've heard of specific issues in this scenario, but do keep in mind that you'd be "tweaking" the system and that might always bring trouble ;)

    Please let us know if you have any more questions or if there's anything else that we can help you with :chuffed:

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