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How do I switch from an individual to a family account?

Community Member

I currently have an individual account and want to switch to a family account. Will I need to transfer my data from the old (individual) account to the new (family) account? And will I need to cancel the individual account?

1Password Version: 6.3.5
Extension Version: (Chrome)
OS Version: 10.21.1
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: forum-search:switch from individual to family account


  • Hey @pspiegler! I'd be happy to help you get started with 1Password Families. :) I didn't find an account under your email address, so I think there may be a bit of confusion about that to clear up. If you purchased 1Password from us or the App Store a while back, you didn't get an account with it. We recently introduced accounts as a new way of using 1Password. Learn more about the difference between a 1Password subscription and a standalone license.

    To get started with a family account, sign up for one, then sign in to it and you'll be prompted to add it to the app on your Mac. From there, your data will get moved over automatically. We've got all the details in a nice guide as well:

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account

    Let us know how things go!

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