Unable to import data from mSecure ver 3.5.5 to 1 password. Need Assistance

Community Member

Unable to migrate data from mSecure 3.5.5 to 1 Password. Using Mac OS Sierra 10.12.1. Tried the Apple conversion helper for msecure with the following message - Can't open perl script "convert_to_1p4.pl": No such file or directory

1Password Version: 6.5.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS x 10.12.1
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:importing data from msecure ver 3.5.5


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @dashipp,

    Please try the 1.09 version in Testing Bits, mentioned in the first thread of the converter suite. I updated the AppleScript Conversion Helper to work on Sierra. It works for me, so if you have any issues, please let me know.

  • dashipp
    Community Member

    Hey MRC,

    I tried the new 1.09 version and got farther through the process however it still failed for me. I used the Apple Script Conversion for mSecure and loaded my mSecure. export. csv file. I received the following prompt:

    OK to convert.


    using the mSecure converter?

    Enter any converter options below: __________________

    Not sure what converter option if any i should use?

    If I leave option blank i get the following message:

    Can’t make «class ctnr» of alias "4A261AEC-5DCA-471A-A1D9-041875B8941E:d:AppleScript_Conversion_Helper.app:" into type alias.

    Thanks for you help!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2016


    I can't replicate the issue you are seeing (but I'll keep trying). Is your Desktop on a NAS by any chance?

    In the meantime, just use Terminal and enter the command line manually. It will be two commands, one to change directories into the converter's directory, the other to do the conversion. It will look like this (replace the relevant path and file name components to match your environment):

    cd /Users/andyshippmacbookpro/Desktop/convert_to_1p4
    perl convert_to_1p4.pl  msecure  ../msecure.export.csv  -v
  • dashipp
    Community Member

    I'm still struggling to get it to work, honestly not that good in terminal but followed your instructions and was unable to proceed.
    See Below :

    [Andys-MBP:~ andyshippmacbookpro$ cd /Users/andyshippmacbookpro/Desktop/convert_to_1p4
    -bash: cd: /Users/andyshippmacbookpro/Desktop/convert_to_1p4: No such file or directory

    The file is on my desktop exactly as convert_to_1p4.pl

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    If you would like some remote help, let me know. We can do it quickly and securely.

    I don't know where you placed your convert_to_1p4 folder, so my commands above assumed you placed it onto this Desktop. No matter - you can do this. Type the first part of the cd command followed by a space, in Terminal:


    and then drag your convert_to1_p4 folder onto Terminal. It will auto-type the full path for you. Then hit Enter.

    Now, enter this partial command followed by a space:

    perl convert_to_1p4.pl  msecure  -v 

    and drag your export file (msecure.export.csv) onto the Terminal window to auto-type its full path name, and hit Enter.

  • dashipp
    Community Member

    i keep getting "not a directory". Remote works for me if you have the time.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2016


    Sure, send me an email and I'll give you directions. My email is at the top of the convert_to_1p4.pl script. Open it with a text editor to see it.

  • dashipp
    Community Member

    MRC is a stud! Thank you very much. Walked me through the entire process to success!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    You are very kind. Sorry for the troubles with the AppleScript. As soon as I can reproduce it here, I'll get the issue resolved.

    Enjoy 1Password!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2016

    MRC is a stud!


    Enjoy 1Password!

    I endorse both of these statements wholeheartedly. :) :+1:

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