multiple monitor issue

Community Member


I have three monitors total. May main monitor is the 5K built-in monitor for the iMac (late 2016 model), and I have two other standard LCDs monitors.

If I am on any monitor, whether it is my primary or other, and I submit the login keys, the login box pops up always on the third farthest left monitor. It is very frustrating, as it takes time every single login to drag the mouse over to the far left monitor to select which login I want to submit. And it just pops up in this random place, kind of just floating in the center/top of the screen. It always pops up in the same place, but it just doesn't make sense why it is not showing up on the monitor which I am actively using when I submit via the browser, and also why it is showing up in this specific spot on the third monitor. It happens with Firefox and Safari.

I found some similar issues from last year, but figured this should have been fixed awhile ago.

I tried including a screenshot of where it is showing up, but the "Attach Image" button in your GUI does not work in Firefox. I also have a screenshot of this if needed.


1Password Version: 6.5.1
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: 10.12.1
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jdudan: It definitely works in Firefox, but I know that some extensions can interfere. I'm not sure that a screenshot is necessary though. You gave a good description. I guess the one question I have is if you're dragging the 1Password mini window to a preferred location, or putting it in its default location on the monitor. For example, 1Password mini will open by default in the middle horizontally, but slightly above center vertically, but you can drag it to other locations and it should remember its position. Also, do you have the option to keep 1Password mini always running disabled in 1Password Preferences > General? Finally, are you using something like Bartender to manage your menu bar icons? Thanks in advance!

  • jdudan
    Community Member

    Thanks Brenty. I need 1Password mini to be running at all times as I have multiple logins saved for many sites that I frequent throughout the day. However, I did not know that the 1Password mini window would open in the same default place, I thought it always opened in the upper right of the browser window, next to the 1Password icon. The only issue here is having multiple monitors, with multiple browsers open across these different monitors. If it always opens in one single place on one monitor, I constantly have to find it on that "remembered" monitor when using another monitor.

    I guess at this point it would be a suggestion to have the 1Password mini window open in the same location on the active browser, across all monitors. That way if I was for instance on monitor one in my active browser, the mini window would open in the upper right of that browser. But if I went to monitor three and submitted my login, the mini window would open in the upper right of that active browser on monitor three. This would prevent confusion as to where the window pops open when using multiple monitors/browsers.

    Thanks for your feedback and attention to my issue, appreciate it!!

  • Hi @jdudan ,

    This issue has been bugging us for a while too. That's not a bad suggestion to open it on each screen. We'll consider that.


  • jdudan
    Community Member

    Thanks for the consideration. I don't mean opening it on each screen, simply being able to recognize which "browser" or "browser window" is active, and then opening mini up, anchored to the top of that browser window. This would remedy many different scenarios, and it wouldn't matter if there were 50 monitors or 50 browser windows opened, it would just launch the mini window in that "active" browser window.

    Thanks for listening and for your feedback, I totally dig your product and have recommended you to many colleagues, friends, and family. You guys have done a superb job with this software, and it is highly functional as well as elegant.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    We appreciate your feedback as well! And thank you for you kind words and support! :chuffed:

    If it helps, 1Password mini will open from the browser window itself if you click the extension button. Where it gets tricky is using ⌘ ⌥ \, since that's a global hotkey and 1Password has not sense of "place". Hopefully we can make it more intuitive in the future though. :)

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