1Password suggests 3 log-in options for website X, but only 1 is correct!! (Bug?)

Community Member

Hi all,
When logging in to website X, I have the log in name (email address), the log in password and then I need to enter a third password. All these passwords are unique and long.
Now, when browsing to website X, I click the 1 password icon in my task bar, but I see 2 additional options. These other options have (i) different log-in names, (ii) different websites and (iii) different passwords, so I have no clue why they show up as options for website X...

Obviously, trying to log in with the other 2 options fails to log in successfully. I do not get a mention of duplicate passwords.
This was never an issue until 1Password 6.5 came along. Since then, I have the multiple options available.

Could you kindly try to fix this as it does not inspire confidence in the way 1Password functions... At first I thought 1Password had generated the same password for these sites, but that was not case (that would have been a true bummer!!).

Looking forward to your response!

1Password Version: 1Password Version 6.5.2 (652002) Mac App Store
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: El Capitan 10.11.6
Sync Type: iCloud


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @The_caveman: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! But as you an imagine, it's really hard to test something like this without concrete information. I suspect that it's a glitch with the browser (perhaps it's damaged), and that simply updating, rebooting, and reinstalling the extension will resolve it. But if not, be sure to let me know the URLs where you're running into this issue, in case there's a problem with the matching that needs to be addressed. Thanks in advance! :)

  • The_caveman
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty,
    I seem to have "solved" it...
    BTW: the browser extension was deleted and reinstalled, but that did not help.

    The issue turned out to be more complex:

    website X:
    log in: email address
    password: 12345
    second password: 67890

    Website Y:
    log: name 1
    pasword: qwerty
    additional field under website header (with open and fill option) was filled in as follows: "mail": "email address" (same as log in website X)

    Website Z:
    log: name 2
    pasword: asdfghh
    additional field under website header (with open and fill option) was filled in as follows: "mail": "email address" (same as log in website X)

    Every time I logged into website X, the log in for website Y and Z would also appear as options. It seems the 1Password was confused because the email address in the open and fill field for websites Y and Z was also the log in name for website X.

    I cleared those fields and made new fields under the section header (with only the copy option) and that cleared up the issue.
    So, consider this issue solved, but nonetheless, the way 1Password makes a suggestion for a certain website might need some optimisation?
    Cheers and thanks.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @The_caveman,

    Let's see if I've correctly followed.

    Login item 1, is it to access a webmail interface for the same email address that appeared in all three items and that the domain of the web interface is the same as the domain of the email address e.g. https://mail.protonmail.com/login is the login page to access an email address like someone@protonmail.com. The website fields of Logins 2 & 3 had labels titled mail and the actual website field contained nothing but this same email address.

    Is this correct?

  • The_caveman
    Community Member

    Hi Littlebobbytales,
    Thanks for the reply. let's see if I can clarify using your protonmail example.

    log in for Protonmail:
    log in: someone@protonmail.com.
    password: 12345
    second password: 67890

    under website heading:
    label=website; content=https://mail.protonmail.com/login

    Log in for Website Y:
    log: name 1
    password: qwerty

    under website heading:
    label=website; content=www.website Y.com/login
    label=mail; content=someone@protonmail.com

    Log in for Website Z:
    log: name 2
    pasword: asdfghh

    under website heading:
    label=website; content=www.website Z.com/login
    label=mail; content=someone@protonmail.com

    Does this help?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @The_caveman,

    It does yes and confirms my findings. What you're butting up against is the fact that the structure of an email address is a valid structure for an FTP address, something some people may wish to store in 1Password. So when the website field holds just someone@protonmail.com it recognises someone as the username and protonmail.com as the domain. Then when you try to fill on a page on https://protonmail.com or any subdomain it correctly matches it.

    Custom sections and custom fields are great for storing any additional data and this leaves the website field free for its single purpose, being used to match Login items to domains for the purpose of filling. Another advantage of custom fields is the field type can be set and so a field storing an email address can be designated as such, something I often do myself. When done the options for that field become copy and email, the latter passing the address to the default email client designated by the operating system.

    I hope this helps explain what is happening in the background in 1Password.

  • The_caveman
    Community Member

    thanks for clearing that up!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of lil bobby, you are most welcome! Glad that helped! Definitely a bit confusing. I think we all learned something. :lol:

This discussion has been closed.