1password not remembering new passwords

Community Member

I'm going through and updating week passwords. The chrome extension on my Mac doesn't prompt me to remember the new password after I change it using the full functionality on the password generator. I'm now locked out of my banking account.


  • ananddt55
    Community Member

    Let me clarify as there was a typo above. The chrome extension on my mac doesn't prompt me to remember the new password after i change it using the 'fill' function on the password generator.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ananddt55: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! 1Password shouldn't be offering to save a login just because you generate a password; rather, it should prompt you when you change it on the website itself. But if you're having trouble with that, can you tell me the URL and also if you're clicking or pressing Return to submit the password change to the website? There may be something we can do to improve 1Password detecting it.

    In the mean time, one thing 1Password does do when you fill a generated password is save it as a Password item. This is a safety net for when you change a password to make it stronger but don't save the login. Just follow this guide to help you recover it:

    If you generated a password that wasn't saved, or you can't sign in

    Please let me know what you find. I look forward to heating back from you!

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