Problem with (Date Last Used) Sorting

Community Member


I have a strange problem since prior versions but decided to post now.

I have put my logins into 4 different folders... Folder 1, Folder 2 etc...

When I sort them by Date Last Used, only the first folder sorts them by date last used. The other folders wont work.

I have tried to move logins around folders and even deleted and recreated the folders but the problem is still there.



1Password Version: 6.5.2
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: 10.12.1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:date last used


  • Hi @aalpha ,

    Sorry to hear it's not sorting correctly. Can you provide a few more details? When you say only the first one works, are these folders within another folder or do you mean when viewing them one at a time?

    And when the other folders don't sort by date, what does the sort control show? Does it show "Date last used" or something else?


  • aalpha
    Community Member

    Hi Kevin,

    1. I view the folders one at a time (see attached screenshot)
    2. Yes the sort control shows "Date last Used" (see screenshot)
  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @aalpha,

    Thank you very much for the screenshots! One thing I noticed is that Folder 1 has 19 items, while the next 3 folders have 9, 10, and 4 items. That probably seems like a strange thing for me to notice, but the reason I mention it is because when a folder or item category contains 11 or more items, it will show dividers to help show the organization of the sort control. So in Folder 1 (which has 19 items), a couple of those dividers are visible:

    But when there are 10 items or less, it doesn't show those dividers, so you won't see anything like that in the other three folders. Is it possible that's the reason why you think they aren't sorted correctly?

    In the folders with 9, 10, and 4 items, in the item list, you should see the date each one was last used right below its title. If you look at those dates, do they appear to be sorted in the correct order?

    It's just a guess, so I don't know for sure if that explains things, but the sort order is working correctly for me when I create a similar setup of folders in 1Password, so I wondered if the lack of dividers in some of your folders might be causing confusion. Please let us know if that's the case, and if the items are actually sorted incorrectly, we'll look further into this. Thanks in advance! :)

  • aalpha
    Community Member
    edited December 2016

    WOW... I never paid attention to the dates under the titles.

    Thank you Thank you Thank you!

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @aalpha

    On behalf of Drew, you're so very welcome! :chuffed: I'm glad that he got you all sorted out, and I hope that everything goes well with 1Password for you from now on but if you ever need us again we're always here for you!

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