multiple 1 password instances are out of sync between my devices. I want a single source of data

Community Member

I have multiple 1 password instances. I want to have one primary and only source for my 1 password information. Can't figure out how to purge the info from 1 and sync only using a single data source.

1Password Version: 6.5.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:multiple 1 password instances are out of sync between my devices. I want a single source of data


  • Hi @graham1j ,

    When you say you have multiple instances, can you elaborate on that? Do you have two different apps on the same computer? Or do you have multiple devices that aren't syncing to each other?


  • graham1j
    Community Member

    Thanks for the willingness to help here Kevin. I have 'purchased' 1Password on 2 different occasions using different user's. Once via the agilebits site with one unique account name and then a second as a NFR license thru my company using a different email address. I'm finding that one account has more items in it than the other. For instance my work computer and iOS devices that use that 1Password installation provided by work shows 103 total items and then my home computer, using the version of 1Password purchased from the website shows 92. I want to wipe the 'home' computer from any and all data related to what it believes 1Password has for items and reinstall it using the 'work' version data that I know is my most up to date instance. I've uninstalled the application from my home computer multiple times and then installed using the link received for the NFR version from work but lo and behold the data immediately shows the 'old' information that I'm trying to purge.

    Lastly, I noticed that my work (by my choice) syncs it's data to my Dropbox account. Home computer (the data I'm trying to get rid of) seems to be syncing locally. As I mentioned I've uninstalled multiple times at home but each time I reinstall I'm not prompted for any 'setup' steps which leads me to believe there's some sort of .plist or something hanging around that is tricking the new install to fall back to the data I'm trying to delete.

    Hope this helps.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @graham1j,

    Thanks for clarifying that! It sounds like you want to reset 1Password on your home Mac and remove the data currently stored there (i.e. delete those 92 items), and then start syncing the 1Password data from your work Mac.

    If so, the reason your data is still there after deleting and reinstalling the app is because your data isn't stored in the 1Password app file - the data and the app are in two separate locations on your Mac. So if you delete the 1Password app file from Applications, you're only deleting the app itself, and all your 1Password data is still on your Mac where it always is. The re-downloaded copy of the 1Password app finds the data just like the previous one did.

    In order to reset your 1Password data on your home Mac, you can follow these steps:

    1. Open 1Password.
    2. If 1Password is not already locked, lock the app by clicking the padlock in the upper right corner.
    3. Choose Help > Troubleshooting > Reset All 1Password Data and follow the on-screen instructions.

    The next time you launch 1Password 6, it should be like running it for the first time. To sync your data from Dropbox, choose "Find your data" and you'll have options to find & select that vault.

    I hope that helps, but if you need more help with that, just let us know. Cheers! :)

  • graham1j
    Community Member

    Fantastic and thanks to all for the quick follow up. Haven't had a chance to run thru the outline above but will and report back.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome! Let us know how it goes - we're here for you if you need more help. :)

  • graham1j
    Community Member

    Done and Done.....I'm in sync.

    Thanks so much


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Awesome! Thanks for letting us know, I'm glad it's working correctly for you now. If you need anything else, you know where to find us! ;)

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