Typinator support - cannot expand text snippets or set default field values

Community Member


I've asked in the past for the ability to set a preference for default fields when filling in Software License fields. In fact, I think I did it when I was using 1p v3.x. I asked for the ability to set defaults for "licensed to" and "registered email" fields. I suppose it would make sense for "company" too, for some people.

After all, how often do you buy software under different names? How often do you change your email address between software purchases? How often have you had to type that in when filling in the info for a new software purchase?


And that's because for some reason Agilebits decided not to give you anywhere to set default entries for 1password even though it would make complete sense. Where is the security problem with 1password knowing your name and email when it sits behind 1password's security?

So version 4 came along. Still no defaults. Version 5. Same. Somewhere along the way I bought Typinator and set up text snippets to allow me to quickly fill in those fields every time I registered new software.

And think about it - you may not, but I tend to buy software in bundles. That's how I got Typinator - in a MacUpdate bundle. When you buy 10 apps and have to enter all the license keys etc. putting your own name into the same field over and over again gets really old really fast.

So Typinator eased the pain for 2 versions. Then along came 1password 6, and they disabled snippets.

Now I'm back to having to type my own name and my own email into fields when I buy a software bundle, which I did today and that's what's triggered this, because I'm going to have to do it for every one of 10 apps.


Admittedly, I could just leave it blank. But despite what I said above, there are occasions when I register software to one of my other email addresses, so I like to keep track. But that doesn't cause much problem, as defaults can be easily overwritten.

So Agilebits: please solve this problem. Either make it so that I can set default entries for certain fields, or make it so that text expanders can work in certain fields. If it's security you are concerned about, the former solution is more elegant and more secure.

If you care, the fields I use the most this way are the three under Customer in the Software License category. There is no reason to not be able to set default entries for them, or lacking that be able to use text snippets in them.

Please don't leave this to fester until version 7. It should have been fixed by version 5 at the latest. Make it happen for version 6.6 - that seems significant enough for a dot-one update, don't you think?


1Password Version: 6.5.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Typinator support - cannot expand text snippets in 1password fields


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @valiant66,

    Thank you very much for taking the time to send us your suggestions/requests! If you often need to create new Software License items with the same information in the 'licensed to', 'registered email', and 'company' fields, I can definitely see how it would be annoying to have to type that in manually each time, especially since apps like Typinator won't work when secure input is enabled. Although I can't make any promises about if/when we might make changes to help with that, I can send your comments to our developers to let them know.

    For now, in case it helps, one option might be to create a Software License item that you can use as a "template" - in other words, create a new Software License item, fill in those 3 fields in the "Customer" section, and save it. When you need to create a new one, just duplicate that "template" and the new item will already have those fields filled in for you. I know it's not as convenient as what you've requested, but I wanted to mention that in case you found it helpful.

    Thanks again for your suggestions & feedback, we really appreciate it! Aside from that, I hope you're enjoying 1Password, and if you need anything else, please let us know. Cheers! :)

    ref: OPM-3547

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