Help! install 1Password added to my daughter's MBP (family license)

Community Member

Help! I'm going round in circles trying to get 1Password added to my daughter's MBP (family license) A gazillion emails have been sent with 6 digit codes and confirmed on the computer, links to apply license have been sent to no affect, account codes and keys are beong asked for, QR codes are being asked for etc

I finally got 1Password installed but it did not migrate any of our data and appears to be a new blank shell to begin setting up as a new installation.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • GJohn
    Community Member

    I tried to follow the instructions for sync with icloud but again, I keep coming back to the beginning of the instructions. If I select Preferences, there is NO SYNC tab. I though this would be quick and easy but I guess I've Messed up something royally. going to delete 1Password on my daughter's new MBP and start all over ...again.

  • GJohn
    Community Member

    Now a new installation bypasses all the setup questions and creates an empty 1Password shell just as before with no sync option in preferences.

    I received an email from you which has links to and shows my email address.
    It also has a link to something called an 'Emergency kit' where I'm told I will find my SECRET ACCOUNT KEY. However, clicking on the link to my Emergency Kit, brings me to a screen where I have to enter my eamil, ACCOUNT KEY, and Master Password. What?? I have to enter my Account Key in order to find out what my Account Key is??

  • GJohn
    Community Member

    I just tried copying the 1Password app from my computer to my daughter's computer but when I open it on her computer, it is the same old beginner 1Password app with no user data or passwords, no way to sync. If I sign in to 1 password using my email account on her computer, I can get a 'license' key be dowloaded on her computer but it makes no difference. Still is empty 1Password app with no way to sync our family data.

    Is there anyway to call you tomorrow afternoon when i get home from work? ...Or please call me now


    Gary Johnson

  • GJohn
    Community Member

    Need help installing on a new MBP for my daughter. I have a license (family?) that allows installation on all my devices. Trying to install on my daughter's MBP just installs 1Password that appears to be the trial version with no way to validate my license against it.

  • GJohn
    Community Member

    Appears to be fixed. The new MBP with 1Password had created an account (Preferences/Accounts). I noticed an option to sign out of the account so I did. Now it appears to be working.

  • SeanFoster
    edited December 2016

    Hello @GJohn, thank you for taking the time to write in though I’m sorry we did not get to you sooner, it’s been a bit hectic around here recently on the run up to the holidays so my apologies for keeping you waiting. I’m glad to hear things are progressing smoothly on your daughter’s MacBook, though I wanted to clarify for you that you have signed up for a 30-day trial of an individual 1Password Account a couple of days ago, this is one of our new monthly or annual subscription services wherein we handle the sync of your logins for you. It’s just one way to use 1Password though, you also own a 1Password single license purchased back in 2013 which is still compatible with our current version of 1Password for Mac.

    1Password Accounts have an Account Key as you have discovered, this is an added layer of security which the more traditional licensed method of using 1Password does not have. We do not have the full Account Key on our end, this ensures only YOU can access the data. If you’d like to retrieve this key, you should be able to do so on your Mac by following these steps.

    If you’d be interested in continuing to use a 1Password Account, you may want to consider upgrading this new account you’ve created to a Families one, when you select the annual billing option this service is $5 a month and allows up to 5 users to all use 1Password across all of their devices and even share logins with each other which might be a great fit for you and your daughter. I can only look up your account details so I’m not entirely sure how your daughter is currently setup on her Mac (but we can look into that for you if you’d like) but if you’d like to create a 1Password Families account to share with your daughter and any one else who may benefit from 1Password, all you need to do is sign into your account, click your name in the top right corner and select Invite People from the drop down menu.

    If you’re happy with your daughter just having her own local Primary vault unassociated with a 1Password Account, that’s fine too, and by the sounds of it she should be good to go.

    I hope that helps, please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any follow-up questions, let’s make sure 1Password is setup exactly to your liking on your devices. :)

  • GJohn
    Community Member

    Thank you, Sean.

    It appears that I have resolved the 30 day trial issue as I do not see any indication of a trial period any longer. I'm pretty sure it is running on my single license purchased in 2013 and upgraded through releases 4, 5, and 6. Took me a few evenings of frustration to get there but everything is running smooth now.

    Out of curiosity, I clicked on the link you provided but no accounts are shown in the Accounts tab. Clicking on the + key gives me choices to scan a QR code or another link to sign into my account requires that I know what this account key is so that doesn't work.

    I'm sure you've increased the security of 1Password with this new Accounts feature but I just don't have any more time to try to learn it right now. Too complex. Sorry.

    My wife and I are the only users of 1Password. We've used it for years and it has been a valuable tool for us. My daughter is a special needs child and she is not capable to deal with the complexity of 1Password (or even multiple passwords). I only installed 1Password on her new machine so that I can get her logged in to the sites she likes without having to tediously try to manually type complex passwords into her machine. It also helps me when and if I need to use that computer if mine is not available.

    No matter though, I'll just keep using my single license until you discontinue it and I am forced to figure this out. ...I do not look forward to having to remember about Account Keys in addition to my single master password. It seems that a lot of complexity is being added to a once simple and elegant product. Even if the account key process is not needed during normal operations it will mean re-learning it all over again when something goes wrong or when I get a new computer.



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you, Sean. It appears that I have resolved the 30 day trial issue as I do not see any indication of a trial period any longer. I'm pretty sure it is running on my single license purchased in 2013 and upgraded through releases 4, 5, and 6. Took me a few evenings of frustration to get there but everything is running smooth now.

    @GJohn: Great! Thanks for the update. On behalf of Sean, you are most welcome! I'm glad to hear that you were able to add your license. :chuffed:

    Out of curiosity, I clicked on the link you provided but no accounts are shown in the Accounts tab. Clicking on the + key gives me choices to scan a QR code or another link to sign into my account requires that I know what this account key is so that doesn't work. I'm sure you've increased the security of 1Password with this new Accounts feature but I just don't have any more time to try to learn it right now. Too complex. Sorry.

    If you're happy using the standalone 1Password app with your license, there's no need to worry about a Account for the subscription service. :)

    My wife and I are the only users of 1Password. We've used it for years and it has been a valuable tool for us. My daughter is a special needs child and she is not capable to deal with the complexity of 1Password (or even multiple passwords). I only installed 1Password on her new machine so that I can get her logged in to the sites she likes without having to tediously try to manually type complex passwords into her machine. It also helps me when and if I need to use that computer if mine is not available.

    That's awesome! Exactly what 1Password was made for: to make it easier to login to sites securely. I'm really happy to hear that it's helping you with that across multiple computers. :chuffed:

    No matter though, I'll just keep using my single license until you discontinue it and I am forced to figure this out. ...I do not look forward to having to remember about Account Keys in addition to my single master password. It seems that a lot of complexity is being added to a once simple and elegant product. Even if the account key process is not needed during normal operations it will mean re-learning it all over again when something goes wrong or when I get a new computer.

    To be clear, your 1Password license will never expire. You can continue using it as you have been for as long as you want. And while you don't need to worry about this now, the Account Key isn't something we memorize. It's saved in our Emergency Kits and stored only on authorized devices. That way only the Master Password is needed 99% of the time.

    Anyway, it sounds like you should be all set, but we're here for you if you need anything else. Have a great weekend! :)

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