Feature request: unlock a specific vault only with Touch ID

Community Member

As we know, fingerprint scanners can be bypassed with fake fingerprints. So using Touch ID with 1Password is probably a bad idea for most users.

What would be great though would be if Touch ID could be used to unlock only some vaults. That way one could create a "low security" vault which is unlocked by Touch ID. If someone fakes your fingerprint, they'd only get access to your unimportant passwords.

The Touch ID enabled vaults would unlock with touch or by password, while the other vaults would unlock only by password.

This feature would make 1Password more secure too. Today, setting a long password for 1Password can be a real pain since it has to be typed so often. Users are likely to set a quick and easy password, which of course is a big security problem. But if Touch ID can be used to unlock low risk every day passwords, the user can set a long password for the high security vaults. It won't be used that often anyhow.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @aljungberg,

    Thank you for writing in with your thoughts & suggestions regarding Touch ID and 1Password! I'm glad you're thinking strongly about the security of your data. One thing I should mention is that, if you're worried about the security of Touch ID in general, it's probably best to disable that feature entirely on your Mac, and not just for 1Password.

    But as far as your specific suggestion goes, it's definitely an interesting idea. That would actually involve the addition of several new features: the ability to unlock individual vaults, the ability to choose which vaults can be unlocked with Touch ID and which can only be unlocked with their master password, the ability to designate a specific group/subset of vaults that can be unlocked together (with a single master password or Touch ID) while leaving the other vaults locked, and the ability to have Touch ID always (and only) unlock that that designated vault / group of vaults (while entering the master password as usual would have different results).

    To be honest, I'm not sure if all those things would be possible, but I can certainly let our developers know you'd be interested in that. (Although I can't make any promises about if or when we might add those features to 1Password.)

    Thanks again for taking the time to share your ideas with us, we really appreciate it! If you have more feedback, questions, or need help with 1Password, please don't hesitate to let us know. Cheers! :)

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