More sync options

Community Member

Now that Dropbox only allows two devices to sync without stumping up something like $15 a month, we need more cross platform options for syncing - such as Google Drive or OneDrive.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_TJLuoma
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mat_barrie

    I was not aware that Dropbox had added any such limitation. I had heard that Evernote added something like that. Are you sure about this Dropbox change? A quick google search did not turn up anything.

  • mat_barrie
    Community Member

    Unfortunately it's a recent change being slowly rolled out. It only applies to a number of users in Australia right now, if you're "lucky" enough to have the experiment applied to you, any attempt to sign into Dropbox on a new PC comes up with a window saying if you don't subscribe to Dropbox Pro, you can only sync two PCs and asking you which of your other PCs you want to continue syncing (and disabling sync on all others).

    You can probably guess that this limits the usefulness of Dropbox as a sync tool for keeping my password DBs up to date.

  • ag_TJLuoma
    1Password Alumni

    @mat_barrie Wow - that's terrible.

    I was able to find information about this at

    I'll definitely pass this on.

  • mat_barrie
    Community Member

    Has any thought been given to this? I'm seeing heaps of responses to "more sync options" with reasons of data sovereignty and the like being responded to with "we have no plans to introduce more options". If this is so, then 1Password is no longer a viable product for my use, especially as other alternatives do allow syncing with options other than Dropbox.

    Please advise so I can decide whether I need to retire 1Password and find an alternative.

  • mat_barrie
    Community Member

    Additional note: CloudKit is now available as a web service, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to support iCloud sync even on the Windows version:

  • Hi @mat_barrie,

    You're right that with the introduction of CloudKit JS it would be possible to implement CloudKit based sync on other platforms. We use CloudKit JS in our AgileBits store version of the app to do sync via iCloud as there used to be limitations about using the official CloudKit framework outside of the Mac App Store.

    Right now our stance is still the same... we don't have plans to introduce more options. It's not something I'd rule out entirely, but it's not something we're currently focused on.


  • mat_barrie
    Community Member

    Then unfortunately 1Password is no longer suitable for my needs. I think you'll find it will be similar with everyone else in Australia who can no longer use Dropbox without an additional $15/month charge. This will also seriously impact your user base once Dropbox rolls it out into the US.

    You may say "just use". This doesn't seem like a bad idea.- but for the fact that is three times more expensive than Lastpass (at $1/mo billed annually - although basic Lastpass that works on all devices is free, which is a significant one up on 1Password, though I understand running this sort of infrastructure does come at some expense so "free forever" isn't sustainable) and having paid for 1Password on two platforms, I just don't accept the response "just pay us more money".

    At the very least, one would expect that anyone who signs up for through an AgileBits Store version of the app should be gifted 12-24 months of free service, reflecting the investment they've already made.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mat_barrie: Indeed, even if we went the "free" route, the money has to come from somewhere. As we can see with Dropbox, they found that they need to put limits on free accounts in order to encourage people to either pay or impact their service less to maintain a sustainable business. In other cases, companies offer a "free" software or service by accepting advertising, venture capital, or selling user data. We won't. I'm sorry if this means that 1Password is no longer suitable for you, but it isn't something we're willing to compromise on. It also isn't sustainable to offer anyone who's purchased a standalone license for the 1Password app free service for a year or more, but feel free to shoot us an email at and we'll see if there's something else we can do to help.

  • mat_barrie
    Community Member

    Thanks for engaging constructively. I hope you're able to gain a bit of insight and perhaps see some opportunities in the feedback, rather than dismissing it as just complaints.

    You did suggest that it's not sustainable to offer free service to anyone who's purchased the standalone app for a year, however I'm not sure that statement is entirely correct. A year of service costs ~$35 (rounded, and I'll come back around to that...) and the standalone app costs ~$65. I think it's a bit short sighted to say that it's not sustainable to offer someone who's paid you $65, $35 worth of service on the projection of ongoing annualised subscription revenue from them. Some of those people wouldn't stay, sure, but some would - and that's ongoing income. I suggest you consider that option a bit further before dismissing it out of hand.

    Second, I'll give you some figures (as I did for Dropbox when they threw me the "pay us more money, or we stop syncing the files" prompt).

    A subscription is $3 a month, billed annually. $36 a year. This includes the apps and 1GB document storage (I'm going to leave out features momentarily).

    A LastPass subscription is $1 a month, billed annually. $12 a year. This includes the apps and 1GB document storage as well.

    1Password is exceptionally good software. It has a built in TOTP generator, works on Windows, macOS, Android, and iPhone, and is extremely user friendly. That said, LastPass has 2FA on the application itself (i.e. OTP required to access the vault), also has a TOTP generator and runs on all the same platforms. But costs a third of the price.

    I would strongly suggest looking at the pricing model, and asking yourself what makes 1Password worth three times the competition. If you find something, promote the heck out of it because I'm struggling right now to understand that point.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mat_barrie: Likewise, thank you for participating in this discussion. It's never easy since I don't have the answer you're looking for and I don't enjoy giving it, but I think it's important.

    You're right about the individual plan being more reasonable, but a lot of folks prefer 1Password Families or 1Password Teams, and those are a big difference. Certainly there are other things we could do, but the logistics of trying to automate all of that are problematic, and then we're back to my suggestion of email.

    I can't really speak to other products, but I can tell you that we're very serious about keeping 1Password sustainable, and again we don't have any other source of revenue besides customers paying us for our products and services. That sounds like a money thing, but it's important to us that we continue making "exceptionally good software" (as you were kind enough to put it) and that we're also available to help when you or anyone else has questions, comments, or suggestions like this. We could lower prices by running a lot leaner (fewer development and support staff), taking outside investment, selling out, or selling you, but we feel really good about this model — and many of our customers choose 1Password because of that. Even if lower prices or more freebies (we've given away roughly half of 1Password's major upgrades historically) seem better on the surface, I think there's a bigger picture, and that's what we try to focus on. :blush:

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