Help! Master password not working trial almost over!
I'm kind of having a crisis involving my 1password Acct. I recently added it to my laptop and setup the free trial which is about to expire, last night I received a notification that someone in another country tried to get into one of my email accts. So I went to try and log into 1password on my laptop and the master password I wrote down isn't working. I don't know if I copied it down wrong or what, I usually get into my Acct via my cell phone which uses my thumbprint, and I thought I'd saved my 1password master in there somewhere but I can't find it there either. I need to add a credit card to my Acct so it doesn't get closed and I lose all the stuff I've got saved in it. I desperately need to get into my 1password Acct so I can change the login info on my email that was hacked last night. So I need your help immediately. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to login to that email ever again without getting through my master 1password Acct. I don't know if someone can call me or what, but I need help asap PLZ!
Thank you,
Hi @RParrick! I'm sorry about that. Since this is about trouble with your Master Password, I'm going to email you directly so we can discuss the specifics of your account. Only you have your Master Password so we may need to send you a link to delete the account so you can start over with a new Master Password. I'll let you know all the details soon.
ref: GZC-44558-281