firefox connect error

Community Member

Every time I launch 1P for the first time of the day (no problems afterwards) I get a "failed to connect" error in Firefox. I have designated 1P6 as the default application and saved it. If I wait 20 seconds or so, then the mini 1P window shows up and everything works in spite of the browser error dialogue. It's a pain in the butt since it happens every single day with the first use. Prior to this version, I never had a browser window open at all when opening 1P and had no problem. Now it opens a tab, gives me an error, and takes so much longer. Is there a fix?

1Password Version: 6.5.2
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: OSX Yosemite
Sync Type: icloud


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @1pfourlofin,

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble using 1Password in Firefox!

    If that only happens the first time each day and then works after a short delay, it sounds like maybe 1Password mini is taking longer to launch than it should (there might be other explanations, but that's the first that comes to mind). Can you please let us know a few more details about your setup and the problem:

    • What exact version of OS X Yosemite are you running on your Mac?
    • Are you using the AgileBits Store version or the Mac App Store version of 1Password?
    • What exact version if Firefox are you using? (Go to Firefox > About Firefox in the menubar.)
    • Do you have the 1Password extension installed in any other browsers? If so, do you have the same problem in those browsers or does it work correctly?
    • Does the problem happen only after booting/rebooting your Mac? Or does it happen if you quit and reopen Firefox?
    • Does the problem happen only when trying to use the extension in Firefox? Or does it happen if you launch the main 1Password app before trying to use the browser extension?
    • Are you asked to unlock 1Password with your master password, or does the problem happen as soon as you click the 1Password extension?
    • Can you please elaborate on what you mean by "I have designated 1P6 as the default application and saved it"?

    Thanks in advance! :)

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