After updating to your version 6.5.2 for Mac I lost at least one important contact

Dennis Fahringer
Dennis Fahringer
Community Member

Today I updated to v6.5.2 from whatever the next latest version was. As I was setting up another (new) Mac, I wanted to refer to my password for my Apple ID account in 1Password. When I went there, I was astonished that it had disappeared. I sync via Dropbox, BTW. I have two different Macs online in my office, and it was also not showing up in 1Password on that one. I have 1Password synced to my iPhone, but I made a mistake by not taking it into Airplane mode, but it was still on WiFi. So as soon as I opened 1Password there and I went to my contact for my Apple ID (which has 2 level verification),

I saw that contact immediately disappear(!) I've spent quite a bit of time with Applecare support this afternoon because for whatever reason, the data that I'd also saved in 1Password for my Apple Recovery Key for my account isn't working (error: it's not valid). Because I need 2 out of three items to get into my Apple account and now I seem to have lost 2 of these through using 1Password, I've had to copy my iCloud data as much as possible in case I can't get into my existing account.

At home, I have another Mac, which is running another older version of 1Password, so I plan to make sure that's not online before I try to access that missing contact for my Apple ID on that Mac. This has been a real nightmare. I have no idea why the contact would have simply disappeared by my updating your app or why it didn't have correct info for my Apple Recovery Key where I'd saved it....

1Password Version: 6.5.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.2
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Dennis Fahringer,

    I'm so sorry one of your items seems to have disappeared! I don't know why or how that could have happened, but I haven't heard of any updates ever causing something like this. Your data is stored separately from the app itself, so after an update, it looks for & reads the exact same database as it did before the update.

    However, even though I don't have an explanation for why the item is missing, I'm fairly confident we can help you get it back again. First, please open 1Password and check the Trash at the bottom of the left sidebar. If it was accidentally moved to the Trash, you should see it there and can restore it. If it's not there, you can also try using the Search field at the top of the window to try searching for that item, just in case it's still in your vault but not showing up where you expect to see it.

    If you still can't find that item, you can try restoring your data from a backup to see if it's there. Please follow these steps:

    1. In the main 1Password app, go to File > Backup (that will open the Backup preferences as well as make a new backup of your current data).
    2. Select a recent backup that should still have that item and click Restore.
    3. After going through the restore process, relaunch 1Password (if it doesn't do so automatically) and unlock it.
    4. Look for the item - if you can't find it, try restoring from an earlier backup.
    5. If you find the item, select it and go to File > Export > Selected Items.
    6. Export that item to a .1pif file on your Mac.
    7. Go to Preferences > Backup and restore from your most recent backup (the one you created in step 1).
    8. Go to File > Import, and import the .1pif file you created.

    Keep in mind that restoring from a backup disables the sync settings, so after following those steps, you'll need to re-enable sync with Dropbox again.

    Please let us know how it all goes, thanks! :)

  • Dennis Fahringer
    Dennis Fahringer
    Community Member

    Drew, thanks for your reply and instructions. As it happened, I was able to get on to my Mac at home without it being online. I opened 1Password and got the needed Apple ID password from it. I added that info back on my Mac laptop (plus wrote it down!) I then went online, synched with 1Password. (Only the new "contact" with that Apple ID was there, with its new name, not the original one. Then I went into my iCloud account on the Apple site, signed into my account, created and verified a new Recovery code. All is well now, which I'm glad about. But it was pretty scary. When I noted that the original contadt for that Apple ID was gone, I'd searched that Vault thoroughly and it just wasn't there. (And I'd watched it disappear off the screen of my iPhone when I'd run 1Password.)

    I very rarely Trash something in 1Password, but I'll check to see if there's anything there (now). I hadn't thought that could also be a place to look. Now I know.

    I do keep backups from 1Password, but I wouldn't have known how to go to them in a case like this without your reply (which I'll save, of course, in case this ever happens again.)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    I'm really happy to hear you were able to recover that information! Sorry that you had to go through some trouble to get it. I've never heard of something quite like this happening before, and I would be very surprised if it happens again - but if for some reason it does, please let us know and we'll take a further look to see if we can figure out what might have happened.

    We're here for you if you need anything else. Happy holidays! :)

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