Sort order of Favorites and other matching Login items in 1Password mini

Community Member
edited December 2016 in Mac

I was (perhaps incorrectly) under the impression that one of the benefits to marking a site as a "favorite" is that if there are multiple 1P logons that are a match for a given site (e.g., a financial services site where there are multiple family members with accounts), if one of these logon entries is marked as a favorite it will show at the top of the list of matches. Is this not the case?

As a second question, how does 1P mini decide how many entries for a given web site should be displayed. I have a site for which there are 3 different logons, and only 1 item appears with the next line showing "Show 2 more items" while a different site has 7 matches, and 3 appear, with the next line showing "Show 4 more items." Why?

1Password Version: 6.5.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @camner,

    Thanks for writing in with your questions! Both of the things you asked about are likely happening for the same reason, and I'll be happy to explain why it's working that way and how you can change it.

    By default, when you go to a website and then open 1Password mini, Login items with the same domain and the same subdomain as the website you're viewing will be listed first. Login items with the same domain but a different subdomain will be hidden behind the 'Show X more items' option (even if they are marked as Favorites).

    For example, if you go to, 1Password mini will first show you Login items that have in their first website field. Login items with a different Google subdomain such as or will be hidden behind 'Show X more items'. If you compare the website fields of the Login items to each other and to the website you're viewing, does that seem to explain what's happening?

    If so, there's a setting to change this behavior. In the main 1Password app, go to 1Password > Preferences in the menubar and select the Browsers tab. Enable the option for 'Allow filling on pages that closely match saved websites'. Now go back to one of the websites in question and open 1Password mini again. This time, it will show matches based only on the domain and ignore the subdomain. (Favorites will be listed at the top, and the rest will be in alphabetical order by title.)

    Does that help? Please let us know how it goes and if you have any questions about that. Cheers! :)

  • camner
    Community Member

    Sorry for the delay in responding to your timely answer; I was away for a few days.

    Your (very clear) explanation helps, but doesn't quite clear things up (but the fix works, which is what is most important!). Yes, the three logons for the same financial institution had 2 different URLs (different subdomains), but none of them had the correct subdomain (that had changed).

    What if a 1P entry has two URLs ("website" and "website 2")? How does 1P handle matching (and sorting and whether "hidden" behind "Show...") under those circumstances?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @camner,

    What if a 1P entry has two URLs ("website" and "website 2")? How does 1P handle matching (and sorting and whether "hidden" behind "Show...") under those circumstances?

    That shouldn't really make a difference - as long as one of the website fields has the matching website, that Login item will be in the list of matching Logins when you open mini. Its exact position in that list will depend on the other things I mentioned previously (whether or not the 'Allow filling on pages that closely match saved websites' option is enabled, whether or not that item is marked as a Favorite, the title of that item, etc).

    To avoid confusion, if you have multiple Login items for the same site, your best bet is to make sure those items have the same exact title and the same exact website. When you go to the site and open mini, matching Logins with the same title will also show the username for each one so you can easily tell them apart. If you mark any of those as a Favorite, it will appear above the others.

    This can definitely be confusing - even for us! ;) So if you have more questions about it, be sure to let us know.

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