Want to remove quite a few passwords from Apple Watch but not all
I want to put 1Password back on my Apple Watch, but I see that Agilebits doesn't recommend including high value log in info like bank accounts. I would like to take their advice and use it for things like bicycle locks, but apparently I had previously added all my bank accounts, credit cards and the nuclear codes when I had 1PW on my watch before. Is there a way I can remove all of those without having to go to each item and select to untag it from my Apple Watch, one by one? It's too tedious otherwise, so as of now, I've just taken the app back off my watch.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:remove all passwords
@mairekohl: Ultimately the choice is yours, so I'm happy to give you some information you can use to decide:
We do advise caution because 1Password for Apple Watch isn't able to directly encrypt your data on the watch. Even if it could, entering a long, strong, unique Master Password on the watch screen would be...not great.
Instead, 1Password data sent to your watch is encrypted by iOS/watchOS, and secured using your watch passcode, and 1Password for Apple Watch requires that a device passcode be set on the watch for this reason. So, while that isn't the same level of security you're accustomed to with 1Password on our other devices, as long as you're using a solid passcode, you may be comfortable storing sensitive information there. You can find more details in our knowledgebase:
About 1Password security on Apple Watch
Protip: enable the "Unlock with iPhone" feature, so you can use an awesome watch passcode but only have to enter it if your iPhone isn't available.
So, you may not want to remove all of these from your watch in the first place. But if you do, there isn't an easy way to manage multiple items in 1Password for iOS, but if you're using 1Password for Mac, it's possible to remove the Apple Watch tag from all items, if that makes it easier to start over and add only specific items.
I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)