I have a family license from 1 Password 3/4. How do I use that now that there is the family sharing

Community Member

My Wife and I never got her up and running with her 1 Password Vault (purchased initially as Family 5 Pack for 1Pass 3 for $69, then upgraded to 1Pass 4 for $35) and a shared Vault until today. Is it still possible to set up a Vault for her and a Shared vault for the two of us easily, or is everything for shared/ families being shifted into the new Family Sharing Plan? Not sure how to proceed , so I don't want to get shared vaults set up if they are being phased out , you know?

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: OSX 10.12.2
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:use shared vault for family


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jeremymaxwell,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help! The best/easiest way for you and your wife to share vaults with each other (and/or other family members) is by signing up for a 1Password Families account. By default, each user in the account has their own Private vault as well as access to a Shared vault (you can add additional vaults if you want). It's easy to switch to an account from a license, and if you're curious, we have more information about the differences between accounts and licenses here: The difference between a 1Password.com account and standalone license

    But if you'd prefer to continue using your existing 1Password for Mac license, that's fine too! Your license works as it did before - if she hasn't already done so, your wife can download & install 1Password on her Mac, set it up with her own master password and data, and register the app by applying your license file. You can create a secondary vault that you share with each other via Dropbox folder sharing. Sharing a vault via Dropbox isn't quite as easy as sharing with a 1Password Families account, but if you'd like to do that, you can find the steps here: How to share a vault using Dropbox

    Hopefully this helps, but please let us know if you have more questions. Have a great weekend! :)

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