Feature Request: CC# fill tracking


The ability to have a list of what sites/domains you filled credit card information on would be very handy for tracking.

Ideally some method of marking some of those as "saved" (such as Amazon.com) or "subscription/bill-pay" (such as power company or netflix) with the ability to manually add entries to the list.

This primarily serves the purpose of keeping a list of where that number has been used, so if your number changes (lost or stolen, or you want to close an account or change cards) you can easily find all the places you need to update payment information (ick!)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @codyfrisch,

    I'm not sure if 1Password will gain such a feature any time soon but there is a way to manually do this through the use of Tags. Items can have multiple tags so you could set up a single tag per card you wish to track and then add it to each site as you add a card to that site. It means you can easily ignore sites where you've used a card but they haven't recorded it (so nothing to update). I don't know if that would prove useful at all but it would be one way to replicate the intended feature using the options available in 1Password at the moment.

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