AgileBits Employees - What's your setup?

Community Member
edited January 2017 in Mac

In the interest of learning, how have you configured 1password? Perhaps it's Wi-Fi sync, or no sync at all? Something else entirely?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • That's an interesting question, and I think it's pretty awesome that you've asked it.

    I work on the sync code and lower level components of the apps, so my configuration reflects that. I'm happy to share it though.

    On my Mac:

    • Primary Vault : A vault I typically sync with Dropbox, but sometimes switch to iCloud depending on what I'm working on. It contains a lot of test data.
    • Demo Vault : Our standard 1Password demo vault. I sync it with dropbox.
    • 1Password Families Account : My personal Families account that I use with my wife. It only has the standard Personal + Shared vaults.
    • 1Password Teams Account : I have a Teams account a company I co-own. It too is really simple with just Personal + Shared vaults.
    • 1Password Teams Account : My AgileBits team account. Many many vaults. Many. Lots. :)
    • About another 4 test accounts

    My phone looks a lot more like what my configuration would look like if I wasn't actively working on this stuff. It only has the Families account and the two Teams accounts.

    I use All Vaults nearly exclusively, and very rarely explicitly switch to a specific vault.

    Touch ID is enabled on both my Mac and my iPhone.

    I don't for a second think that my configuration of 1Password represents an average user. :)



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