Auto-lock doesn't happen intermittently

Community Member


Just sat down at my iMac this morning and I was surprised to see that my 1Password Vault was still open, which was probably open for >20 hours. I attached my Auto-Lock settings and I'm certain the computer hasn't been used by anyone in our house for about 7 hours. I wouldn't be as concerned but I remember this has happened about 2 times in the last several months. Hoping someone has suggestions.


1Password Version: 6.5.3 (653000)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.2
Sync Type: WiFi
Referrer: forum-search:1 password didn't lock


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @BrianinPNW,

    That's very strange, I'm sorry 1Password hadn't locked itself as expected by the time you checked it this morning! I'm sure that was an unwelcome surprise for you. :(

    If no one had used that Mac for about 7 hours, it sounds like it should have at least locked itself due to the Mac being idle for over 5 minutes. I'm curious if it should also have locked itself for the other reasons. For example, was the Mac in sleep mode when you came back to it this morning? Or had the screensaver activated? Was the main 1Password app open or closed during those 7 hours?

    The first thing I'd like you to try is to restart 1Password mini: From the main 1Password app, go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini. Unlock it with your master password again, and then don't touch your Mac for at least 5 minutes (maybe give it an extra couple minutes just to be sure). After that, is 1Password locked or unlocked? If it's still unlocked, try activating the screensaver or put your Mac in sleep mode. When you wake it up, has 1Password locked itself?

    If it still isn't working as expected, please reboot your Mac. Once it restarts, try the above tests again (i.e. unlocking 1Password and waiting for over 5 minutes without using your Mac at all, starting the screensaver, putting your Mac in sleep mode, etc). Does that make any difference?

    Please let us know how it all goes, and if it's still a problem, we'll continue from there. Thanks! :)

  • BrianinPNW
    Community Member

    My guesses:

    • iMac display was off, but the iMac itself probably wasn't asleep
    • 1Password app stayed open for the 7 hours overnight. At most the 1Password app was minimized but i think that's it.

    I'll do the 1password Mini restart later today. Thanks

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks! It shouldn't actually matter if the display or the Mac itself was asleep - 1Password should lock itself either way if the "Lock on sleep" option is enabled. So it sounds like something isn't working correctly for auto-lock in general. But please let us know how it goes with restarting 1Password mini and your Mac. Cheers!

  • BrianinPNW
    Community Member

    Following up. Looks like restart you suggested made all the difference. If the stay-open problem recurs, should I post again here or start a new thread?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for following up to let us know, @BrianinPNW! I'm glad that seems to have solved the problem. If it starts happening again, you can post here again to let us know, and we'll take a further look into what's going on. Have a great rest of the week! :)

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