Small piece of feedback about "Show x more categories"

Community Member
edited January 2017 in Mac

Hi, thank you for a good product that I use regularly.

Since I also regularly use some items that have ended up in categories that appear below the "Show x more categories" there is always an extra click which can be frustrating. The information that I keep there is not logins but rather some server keys, etc.

Is there an easy way around that?

I wouldn't mind the menu opening up further down as it doesn't take up much of the screen height anyway.

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.2
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mfronmark,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us about this! 1Password doesn't currently have an option to automatically show all categories in 1Password mini without having to click on "Show X more categories" first, but we've heard from other customers about this, and I'll be happy to add your feedback to our internal tracker to let our developers know you're also interested in that. I can't make any promises about if/when that will happen, but hopefully we'll be able to do something about it in a future version.

    I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you! Aside from that, I hope you're enjoying 1Password. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to let us know. Have a great day! :)

    ref: OPM-3764

  • AkamaiGuy
    Community Member

    I second this request! It's been an annoyance for a long time, and would seem to be an easy fix since it's just a simple, standard Apple menu feature.

  • Hi all,

    Thanks for letting us know. We are looking into improvements there and will take your feedback into consideration!


  • oliverk
    Community Member

    Please count this as a vote for this request. 99% of the time I want to use 'servers' which appears under 'show x more categories' for me.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @oliverk: It's definitely something we can consider, but we also have to take into account that the vast majority of people aren't accessing Server items in the browser. Most people don't even use these, and since they cannot be used for filling it's also less relevant in the browser. Also, while I have some of these myself, they are not hidden under "more" — perhaps because I have fewer search results which include those items. Food for thought.

  • oliverk
    Community Member

    Ah perhaps I filed under the wrong item, I'm using the OSX '1password mini' in the toolbar, not the in-browser plugin. I agree accessing them in the browser would be not very often used. It probably is the case that there are more categories in mine - I have 7 categories available without searching - 5 displayed, and another 2 under 'show 2 more categories'. It just seems a bit of a strange UI to have an extra click to show 7 rather than 5, wouldn't you agree? I guess I can try searching, that may 'feel' quicker even though there are more keypresses.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for your feedback about that, @oliverk! You're right, it doesn't seem to do much good to hide only 2 of the 7 categories that should show up in mini / browser extension. Many of us here would also like to show all items/categories instead of hiding some, and it's something our developers have been looking into, so hopefully we'll be able to do something about that in the future. :)

  • oliverk
    Community Member

    Great, ta. I'm sure you have many pressing dev. items so I'll understand if it's not fixed tomorrow, as long it's in your list I'm happy.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Likewise, thanks for the feedback! :)

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