Cannot rename labels and rearrange fields for Wireless

Community Member

I use 1Password to store information about my Wireless Routers. I have edited and rearranged the fields to tailor them to my needs. However, after I save a record, it goes back to the way it was earlier and my custom field names (for example, “server / IP address” renamed to “TP-Link Router IP address”) go back to their default names and the sort order defaults back too. Sometimes the order stays for a bit on one device but doesn't sync across devices. Would be great if you could please quash this bug!

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ajaym,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble with that! If you're editing the names of the default fields in your items, I believe this can happen if your sync file (in the Dropbox folder) is in the .agilekeychain format, as that's an older format which doesn't support customizing template section field names. If you're not sure, you can check that by opening the main 1Password app, going to 1Password > Preferences > Sync, and looking at the name of the sync file shown there.

    If your sync file is in the .agilekeychain format, you should be able to solve this by creating a new sync file in the newer .opvault format, which supports changes to the default field names. Basically, you just need to disable sync, delete the .agilekeychain file, then re-enable sync with Dropbox again and it should create a new .opvault file. We have steps to do that here: How to switch to the OPVault format from Agile Keychain

    Please let us know how it goes, and if it's still a problem, we'll continue from there. Thanks!

    ref: OPM-707

  • ajaym
    Community Member

    That resolved it. Thanks @Drew_AG!

  • DanielP
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @ajaym,

    On behalf of Drew, thank you so much for the update and you are very welcome! :)

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