2FA Not Working. Thus, locked out of 1Password account.

I’ve just changed from Lastpass to 1Password as I’ve noticed you’ve added 2FA since I last used your service. After using it for a while, I’ve run into a challenge. I’ve entered my email address, account key, and password - all correct. However, once I’m past that page, the DUO 2FA does not work. Please, see the image below:


Please, explain to me how I can fix this challenge as I’m now starting to regret changing to 1Password because of this challenge. I am now unable to login to over 170 online sites including my personal emails and bank account. Due to the fact, I am locked out of my 1Password account.

Many thanks,

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GeorgeNorth. Thanks for reaching out to us. I'm sorry you're having trouble with the DUO 2FA.

    I'm not exactly sure what might be happening here, but there are a couple of points I'm wondering:

    • Duo 2FA only prevents you from signing into the web app, it's not available in the desktop and mobile apps. If you're still logged in in the apps, don't you still have access to your 170 online sites? It's obviously not a solution, but it would take the pressure off things while we look into this issue.
    • Have you tried using a different browser to see if it's a general issue or if it might be something specific to your browser?
    • Do you have access to your log in credentials (e.g. from your Emergency Kit)? If so, you could try to reset browser cache and see if this fixes things. Please only perform this step if you're sure about having your log in credentials ready, as it might reset your usually pre-populated sign in fields like the Account Key and email address

    Please let me know what you find.

  • GeorgeNorth
    Community Member

    Hi, Roman.
    Many thanks for your prompt reply. Regarding your first point. I have tried logging in with the desktop app, and it does work. So many thanks for that. However, this is not the way I would like to be signing into my account for long. This is only convenient for me whilst the online version is not working. If this will still be the case in 14 days, I am afraid I will have to cancel my service with 1Password. For your second point, yes - I have tried Opera, Google Chrome, and Firefox. It is the same challenge. In addition, for your third point, I have tried all of that. No success.
    Many Thanks,

  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GeorgeNorth - Thanks for your reply. I saw that you're in contact with John via email already and he's aware of this thread. Let's continue the conversation over there. I'm sure we can figure this out. :)

  • GeorgeNorth
    Community Member

    Hi Roman,

    Yes, that's correct. However, he has not been able to resolve my challenge. So I have requested for you to cancel my service as I cannot log-in to my online 1Password account to do so myself.

    Perhaps, I will join 1Password again in the future when your 2FA is more stable and does not lock their customers out of their online account.

    George North.

  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    @GeorgeNorth - My understanding is that John is still working with you on your email request. I'm certain he will be able to help you one way or another. :)

This discussion has been closed.