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Why won't a login that I copy to another vault show up in that vault?

Community Member

We have a teams account and I have been trying to copy a login to an employee. However, after trying updates, shutting down computers, adding the login through the team account online, nothing is working. I show that he has 9 items in his vault, but he only shows 3. I copied a login a couple weeks ago to a different employee and there were no problems. Please help!

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Mac Sierra
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MarieTrejo: It sounds like you may not be using the same vault, since you mentioned 1Password Teams, but listed Dropbox as the sync type. So for example if you're putting the items in a local vault syncing with Dropbox, it won't be available to them in their Account. That's where I'd start: make sure you're both dealing with the same account/vault in the first place. If, however, you're both using a vault in Dropbox, it may be that you're using different ones, or that there's something preventing Dropbox from syncing. Are you both using 1Password for Mac?

  • MarieTrejo
    Community Member

    Hmmm. So I started with an account. Then I started adding employees. Then teams was available so I signed up for that. So how can I tell which vault is the main vault that I can send out of? Yes. We are both on Macs.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MarieTrejo: You can differentiate between vault types (local or account-based) a few different ways:

    1. If you go to Preferences > Advanced and the local vaults option is disabled, then any vaults you have in the app belong to a Account.
    2. Account vaults will be shown indented in the vault list beneath the account icon/name, and logging out of that account will remove all of its subsidiary vaults from the app (though they'll still be available through the website or other devices).
    3. The first local vault will always be called "Primary". Additional vaults will be shown directly beneath the Primary, but may have unique names you chose for them.

    The main concern is that you have all of your data where you want it before making any changes. For example, if you'd prefer to stick with the Account, be sure that you've migrated the data there first. If you'd like to use local vaults and sync them yourself with Dropbox, you'll need to move items there from your other vaults in order for them to be accessible to others using that vault.

    On the other hand, if you're going to use both an account and local vaults, you just need to ensure that you put the items where you intend to. For example, you can set a default vault for saving in Preferences > All Vaults. Or you can select the individual vault you want to work with in the app or extension before creating/saving information there. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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