How can I prevent 1Password from truncating the Notes field?

Community Member
edited February 2017 in Mac

I've been using 1Password for years. I've never noticed this issue before today. I'm finding that when creating or editing an entry, text I enter into the Notes field gets truncated when I save.

If I return to edit mode, I can reveal the truncated text by moving the cursor down. Wherever the cursor is within the block of text, that part of the text will be visible. However, 1Password will only allow me to view a fragment of the existing text. The size of the fragment in relation to the length of the text seems pretty arbitrary. I've seen 1Password display 2 lines of a 5-line block of text or 6 lines of a longer block.

But when I save the record, several lines of text vanish. There isn't even the customary "..." symbol to indicate that you're looking at truncated data. I could be looking at a note and mistakenly think that's all the info I have. There isn't even the typical UI device of revealing the entirety of some truncated data with an on-mouseover popup.

This is actually really bad problem for me. I need clear, easily-readable, non-confusing notes.

I've seen this happen with "Login" and "Password" type entries.

The weird thing is it only just started happening. Before today, I routinely created entries with extended Notes fields and I could always read all the notes no problem, even if they were several paragraphs.

Also, some entires do show the entire notes field even if it's really long. Like this one for example. No truncating even though I have a lot of text in that Notes field —>

Another part of it is that once an entry decides to start truncating notes, there's no escape. I've tried making the text shorter and shorter and more and more terse, using abbreviations and removing returns. It's no use. First 1Password truncates the displayed text to five lines. So I painstakingly mangle the information down to three lines, and then 1Password truncates it to two lines.

How can I get ALL records in 1Password to behave like the one in the above screenshot, and allow me to enter and view whatever length of note I want?


I just noticed that resizing 1Password's window can reveal missing text in a notes field. But if I do that, then click on a different entry, then click back to the first one, the notes field text is truncated again.

1Password Version: 6.3.2
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: OS X 10.12.3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @V_Lare,

    I'm very sorry it took us so long to get back to you about this! That's a very strange issue, and I haven't been able to reproduce it on my own Mac. Are you still having the same problem? If so, please try restarting 1Password mini: From the main 1Password app, go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini. If the same problem happens after that, try rebooting your Mac. After it restarts, do you still notice the problem with certain notes fields?

  • V_Lare
    Community Member

    Hi. Thanks for the response. Ok, I restarted 1Password mini and then restarted the machine. Getting the same behavior.

    Here's my version info...

    1Password 6
    Version 6.3.2 (632001)
    AgileBits Store

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @V_Lare: First, make sure you update to the latest version of 1Password. Like Drew, I'm not seeing anything like this...and the part that confuses me most is that I'm not seeing in your screenshot anything that looks odd to me, so I suspect I'm missing what you're describing in the first place.

    I actually have a few items I created specifically for testing this sort of thing, and the best example I can give is that I have a long excerpt from "In the Beginning was
    the Command Line" by Neal Stephenson ( saved as a Secure Note. It's the first 255KB or so, since 1Password items do not support more than 256KB, but it's pretty substantial and I'm able to scroll through the whole thing in both edit and view mode. It's a bit awkward at times though since macOS hides the scroll bar by default nowadays. Is that maybe where you're hitting some confusion? Any detail you can provide might help us solve this mystery.

  • jhcoxon
    Community Member

    I too have been using 1Password for years and love it.

    I guess this problem hasn’t been fully resolved. I don’t know how long this truncating has been happening but I just noticed it running ios 11.0 on my original iPad Pro and my iPhone 6 Plus (but not on the iPad AIR 2 w/ ios 11.0). No problem running Sierra on the MacBook Pro 15in touch bar.

    This is pretty serious - I need access to my notes without entering edit mode where I risk accidentally deleting important info.

    How can I help?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jhcoxon -- I'm sorry for the trouble, but like @brenty, I don't see any such issue on my own iOS devices also running iOS 11. I'm wondering; are you syncing your data with a particularly old install of 1Password somewhere? Maybe on a Mac or other device that's limited by age in the OS it can run, and hence the version of 1Password?

    ref: OPI-2703

  • jhcoxon
    Community Member

    @lars I just made the rounds to see that all apps are up to date and discovered the iPad AIR 2 that was displaying without truncation was not up to date. So I updated it and now it too is truncating notes. Both my MacBook Pros are up to date and display notes ok - it’s the ios devices which have the problem and apparantly it involves the latest release as the iPad AIR 2 displayed without truncating notes until I updated just now.

    Oh... I have been running the ios11 betas on all three devices and updated them to the latest beta that came out a few days before ios11 came out of beta. When I checked my devices for software updates this morning with the intention of updating to the non beta version of ios11 they all show I’m running ios 11.0 and that my software is up to date. But is it? Or is it still running the last beta?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jhcoxon -- I'm not sure what would happen if you had the iOS 11 betas running, as I don't run beta OSes myself. Some of our developers here do, but they may not know the answer to that question either. However, if you were running just a slightly older version, that wasn't what I was wondering about; I was worried about potentially a much older version of 1Password being a problem.

    We're actually aware of this problem and although I don't have anything to share with you regarding a timeline for a fix, it's on our developers' radar screen. Thanks for reporting, and keep an eye on updates!

  • jhcoxon
    Community Member

    @lars I’ve learned my devices are still on the beta and that I need to remove the ios beta software profile and restore my devices to upgrade to ios 11. I’ll report back once that is done. Thanks for your timely help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jhcoxon - OK, sounds good. Let us know the results.

  • jhcoxon
    Community Member

    @lars Sheesh.... this semi-literate user got some bad advise. Checking around I find I do indeed have the release version of IOS11 installed on all three devices so I have nothing new to report. And I see from your earlier response you are aware of this problem. I’ll await a fix in a later update. Thanks for your time.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jhcoxon -- If you're the type of user who regularly runs beta software, I doubt very much you're "semi-literate," but thanks for the update, and keep your eye on the updates...which will appear in beta first. ;)

  • jhcoxon
    Community Member

    @lars In fact I seldom run betas but cool new features in ios11 piqued my interest. I think I’ll skip the 1Password betas if you don’t mind. My whole life is in there!! :-)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jhcoxon -- I'm with you. I don't run betas of darn near anything (though I have to do so for 1Password). But completely understand your instinct and decision. Just thought I should make it clear you can get fixes and improvements first in the beta channel. Cheers!

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