Asking For Authorization In Chrome When I Restart Computer


I've noticed that every time I restart my computer, the 1Password extension is asking for me to authorize with the code, when I re-open my browser (Chrome). I'm using a Macbook Pro (2015).

Thanks for your help :)

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.5.3 (653000)
Extension Version:
OS Version: OSX 10.12.3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Jbart,

    I'm sorry you keep getting prompted to authorize the 1Password extension in Chrome! Does this only happen when you restart your Mac? Or does it also happen if you quit & re-launch Chrome without rebooting the whole Mac?

    Is it possible you have the Mac App Store and AgileBits Store versions of 1Password installed at the same time on your Mac? Please check the Applications folder on your Mac, and see if it contains more than one 1Password app - if so, what are their names, and do they both have identical data?

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