Better filling flow when using OTP


I use 1Password extensively and with a lot of services using OTP .. which are generated in the 1Password app however filling these passwords is not very fluid so far because .. 1Password fills in the login / password fields as needed but then when I arrive on the page asking for the OTP, I have to call back 1P with the shortcut , and go copy / paste the OTP.

Could you integrate in the filling process the detection by the plugin that filling the OTP is needed and doing it automatically (or something that would make it more convenient) ? :)

Thanks !

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: 10.12.3
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gonzagued,

    It's certainly a desired feature and we do understand that it is. We use TOTP where available here at AgileBits too so it isn't like we don't predict the benefits it would bring. I can't offer any promises or ETAs but it is something we want to see happen, we just need to ensure a number of requirements are in place before we can think about it due to how 1Password currently works. I will be as happy as you once 1Password can do something more elegant than what is currently required of us as the users.

    ref: OPM-3930
    ref: BRAIN-349

  • joan38
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    I would love to see this feature because currently is ctrl+c ctrl+v.
    Surely this change is trivial no? Just need to wire the OTP field to a new form field? Unless there is a mistake in the code.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @joan38,

    Hope you don't mind the small edit to your post, we try to keep these forums kid friendly. The intent isn't to try and censor at all and I've not altered the message you wished to convey.

    It isn't a mistake in the code but there is historical cruft to account for that makes this non-trivial. A Login item was only ever designed to describe a single page. The entire data structure and everything that relies on it is based on this. So there is that aspect and then there's also the thorny issue of backwards compatibility as many users do mix various versions of 1Password due to operating system restrictions.

    I'm not suggesting that it's impossible, far from it but sometimes decisions that made sense in the past can make future changes more difficult than they should be. If we simply wired the current TOTP code up to a field in the web form details it would actually break filling in a very large number of places so we need to do something a bit different here. I'm sure something better will eventually make its way into 1Password and replace the clunky steps we all currently need to use.

  • joan38
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    Ah sorry, I'm speaking like we do at work :)
    I see what you mean, and that makes entire sense.
    Nevermind, really good product ;)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @joan38,

    No apologies required. I sometimes spend part of my days staring at JavaScript and doing my best to understand APIs. I've certainly... expressed myself on occasion :tongue: In fact computers in general are usually a good catalyst for causing expressive statements :lol:

    I just really look forward to the day where a response to a conversation like this is:

    You want version x.y.z, it will fill those for you

    We'll both be really happy when that day comes.

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