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Migrating local vault contents to online account

Community Member

Hi, I have read the blogs and notes but am still not able to transfer my local vault entries to my online account. I have 1 password installed on a Win 7 machine. When opening 1password 6 on my laptop I have 175 items but when I login to my.1password the vault only has 8 items. How do I migrate all my local items to my.1password account?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bptsj - I'm sorry that you can't seem to copy over your existing passwords to your account. You mentioned that you read blogs and notes, but I'm not sure you if you discovered our support article regarding this subject. If you have tried following the instructions in that article, at what point does it not seem to work for you?

  • bptsj
    Community Member

    I guess I needed more patience ;) I went through the steps again but when I signed in this time my new logins were already there. It said the migration completed last night at 9:50. Now I have one vault in my account named personal. I went through the steps to remove the local folder vault. I think that worked but does that remove the files from my pc folder? They appear to still be there. Do I / should I, keep those files? I think some initial confusion was when asked to go to settings I was looking for settings in my.1password.

    Thanks you

  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    @bptsj - What files are you referring to?

    I think that worked but does that remove the files from my pc folder? They appear to still be there. Do I / should I, keep those files?

    I'd love to help, but need to be sure I understand the question correctly. :)

  • bptsj
    Community Member

    Under c:\Users\myName\Apps\ I still have a 1password folder. Below that In path \1Password\1Password.agilekeychain\data\default I have a .1password file. Do I need this file or path? My 1password 6 for Windows is installed under C:\Users\myName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.


  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    @bptsj - Thanks for clarifying! Migrating your passwords to the Personal vault in your account doesn't remove the local files used to store your data prior to migration. Usually you won't need those files any more. As a precaution I'd advise you to save the contents of c:\Users\myName\Apps\1Password\ in a backup location like a backup drive or something similar - in case you do need it at some point in the future.

    Before you delete the files, I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your PC to see if the migration worked smoothly:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Windows)

    Attach the Diagnostics Report(s) to an email message addressed to

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report(s) in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report(s) in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report(s).

    Once we see the report I should be able to better assist you. Thanks very much! :)

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