Option to disable all animations

Community Member

Now that Touch ID is available, I've shortened the lock period on my vault. Of course, this means going through the unlock sequence much more often.

It would be excellent if you could disable all animations in 1P, but particularly the unlock/lock animations. They take a second or two to complete, and if you're in a rush it feels like forever.

Perhaps this setting could observe the system-wide "Reduce motion" Accessibility setting?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @johnclay,

    This is something that I'd like as well, though the majority of the time when I'm prompted for Touch ID on the Mac it's via mini which shouldn't be running animations as the lock view isn't visible when we unlock via Touch ID. Are you referring to the unlock animation in the main app?


  • johnclay
    Community Member
    edited February 2017


    Primarily the main app. Agreed, quite often it's through the mini version... but more and more I've finding myself using the main app as we've shifted a lot of documentation to the secure note function, plus software licenses, company credit cards, etc.

    An option to disable the animations app-wide would also fix my other annoyance, which I encounter on my iMac. My vault password is rather long, and occasionally I make a typo. There's an annoying delay and animation when entering a typed password incorrectly, even in the mini version.

  • Thanks for the additional information, @johnclay.

    It's certainly something that we'll keep in mind. I can't make promises, but hopefully we can do something about that in a future version.


  • johnclay
    Community Member


    Fingers crossed!

  • mkwerle
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    I would also like to disable animations. I routinely use the system-level shortcut to pop up 1Password mini, type my password to unlock, then start typing a search for the password that I need (often for non-browser things). The most annoying part of the animation is that it seems to eat the keystrokes I'm using to type the search, so I have to watch it and delay my search entry until it ends. I know that this doesn't sound like a big deal, but it gets more and more annoying every time I am impatient and start typing just before its ready to accept the search, only to have my search turn up garbage because nearly all the keystrokes have been lost.

    I would prefer to disable the animation completely, but it is most critical that every keystroke past hitting "return" after my password be properly buffered. That way, at least my search would return the instant the animation was done.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mkwerle: I can see how that would be annoying. We'll see what we can do. Not something I'm particularly impatient about myself, but I think we all have our moments. ;)

    But keep in mind that this isn't just superficial fluff. 1Password does need to decrypt your data in order to be able to display something when you unlock (or allow you to search). So while this has certainly gotten faster for many of us over time with newer hardware, it cannot be instantaneous no matter what. And I suspect that 1Password users would prefer their data be decrypted only as needed, rather than caching it just to make unlocking faster. Otherwise we could dispense with unlocking entirely, but that wouldn't be very secure.

  • ontucker
    Community Member

    I agree with @mkwerle and have gotten tired of repeatedly waiting for the animation of 1password mini turning the keyhole and then sliding open. I'm skeptical of the claim that this might have to do with decryption speed considering my machine can decrypt AES-256-CBC at about 400MB/sec according to my measurements (I don't know what your encryption scheme is but I'm assuming this is a fair comparison).

    My suggestion would be to just short-circuit the animation if there's any keyboard input (and make sure to buffer the input). Then you still get the nice friendly and slick animation (I admit it looks nice and probably contributes to usability since it's a solid visual metaphor for the act of opening and closing the vault), but you don't penalize people like me and @mkwerle who have to do this dozens of times a day and would prefer to get the entire process down to the minimal interaction and delay possible.

    I can type cmd+opt+\ , <passphrase>, 'vpn', cmd-shift-c, cmd-v pretty damn quick without interrupting my flow at all. But instead, I have to do cmd+opt+\, <passphrase>, wait wait wait wait, 'vpn' .... Call it impatience if you want, but some of us go to great lengths to streamline everything via shortcuts and muscle-memory, and throwing an arbitrary little stumbling block in just serves to annoy us. :)

    Or look at it this way: would it bug you if the animation took 10 seconds? Why? It's just 10 seconds, right? Relaaaax. :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for your feedback and suggestion @ontucker, we appreciate it! :)

    Out of curiosity, how long does the unlock animation actually take on your Mac? You mentioned 10 seconds, but I'm guessing you were simply using hyperbole to make a point. However, if the animation literally takes 10 seconds for you, that sounds like a problem, and we can investigate that further to see what's going on.

    On my own Mac, the unlock animation takes about 1 second. If that's similar to the speed on your Mac, and if you need to unlock 1Password frequently, I can maybe see how that might become annoying after a while, especially if you have a quick & streamlined workflow. But I wanted to make sure if that's the case, or if you're experiencing a much longer delay. Thanks! :)

  • ontucker
    Community Member

    Yeah, it takes 1 second. That still seems like an eternity when you're in the middle of an up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A combo. :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    We certainly don't want to ruin your chance at getting 30 free lives! :lol:

    But seriously, I completely understand how that one second can start to feel like a long time and interrupt your workflow, and I'm sure I've probably felt the same way about other apps. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain how that affects you! Although I can't say for sure if/when we'll change that, I hope we'll be able to do something that will be helpful for you in a future version. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2017

    I'm skeptical of the claim that this might have to do with decryption speed considering my machine can decrypt AES-256-CBC at about 400MB/sec

    @ontucker: Also, bear in mind that you're not getting straight, hardware-accelerated AES decryption with 1Password. If it worked that way, it would unlock much faster, but we'd all be more susceptible to brute force attacks as well. 1Password uses PBKDF2 to intentionally slow things down so an attacker can't make thousands of guesses per second to try to break into your data. Cheers! :)

  • ontucker
    Community Member

    Well, ok, but you aren't convincing me that your PBKDF2 scheme, even at 100,000 rounds, is going to take more than a few milliseconds to derive a key for the correct password. It's misleading to try to blame the crypto for what is obviously a deliberate animation delay.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    We're not here to convince, only to inform. :)

  • wiwriter
    Community Member

    The animations (mac, iphone, and ipad) may or may not make the app take longer to respond, I don't know. But they make me feel like it's delaying me from getting to the thing I want. Please make them switch-off-able. I just want the window to appear with no sliding in, no lock turning, no doors sliding open or whatever else happens. Zero animations. Zero. please.

  • Thanks for the feedback, everyone! We understand the desire to remove superfluous animations, and will keep that in mind when planning future releases.


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