account frozen after subscribing
I tried 1Password a month ago and my trial period expired. Today I just subscribed (annual) but my account is still frozen eventhough it shows as active when I go to my billing page. Is there something I'm missing or maybe there's a specific period of time before reactivation is complete? Tx.
1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Thanks so much for being a customer with us. After your 30 day trial and if your subscription ends your account will be frozen but, you won't be locked out of your account. You still will have access to your data. You will also be able to view and export your data as well. I hope this helps, for other questions you may have visit the frequently asked questions on the website. Thanks again Mella
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After checking numerous times my desktop app, it appears to work fine now, the "trial expired" alert is gone and I can view/access my passwords directly from my desktop.
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KV626 that is great! Glad everything is working fine for you. Feel free to post any questions you have in the forum. We are happy to help.
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Hi @KV626 - I'm happy to hear everything works fine now. We've had occasional reports about this behavior, but I haven't been able to reproduce it yet, and customer feedback doesn't suggest this is a general issue with everybody. How long (approximately) did it take before you saw the frozen message go away?