Restore from backup, missing some vaults

Community Member
edited February 2017 in Mac

I was cleaning up my Mac to create some space on a nearly-full hard drive, and in the process deleted something that messed up my 1Password configuration. When I launched 1Password a day or two later, it had nothing in it.

I restored all my 1Password files from Time Machine's still not working. When it opens, it has nothing. And if I double-click on the .agilekeychain file, it says "Create New Vault?"...and I don't want to create a new vault. I want my existing vaults (all four of them), just the way they were before.

How should I attempt this restoration? Thanks.

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.12.3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • gregmaletic
    Community Member

    Further progress: I was able to restore from a 1Password backup.

    But I now have only one vault. I used to have four. (One personal, and three "business" vaults. The business vaults are gone.) Why wouldn't they be in the backup?

  • gregmaletic
    Community Member

    I am using 1Password v6. My backups are inexplicably being stored in a folder called "1Password 4", while a folder called "1Password" goes entirely unused for backups.

    Can this be corrected?

    (This caused me a tremendous amount of trouble because I deleted the 1Password 4 folder and ended up trashing a lot of my data.)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gregmaletic,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble restoring some of your 1Password vaults!

    From your description, it sounds like the vault you restored was a local/Primary vault. As for the three "business" vaults, do those happen to be part of a 1Password Teams account? If so, those aren't included in the local backup because they're backed up on our servers. You just need to sign into your Teams account in the 1Password app again. From the main 1Password app, go to 1Password > Preferences > Accounts and click the + button.

    Does that help? If you're still having trouble with that, please let us know.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gregmaletic,

    I just noticed you posted in another thread with a question about the location of your 1Password backup files, so I moved it to your existing discussion since it's related to the backup/restore problem here. I hope you don't mind!

    I am using 1Password v6. My backups are inexplicably being stored in a folder called "1Password 4", while a folder called "1Password" goes entirely unused for backups.

    The folder named '1Password' in ~/Library/Application Support/ was where 1Password 3 stored data & backups. It sounds like you had used version 3 at some point in the past, which is why that folder exists. You can delete the '1Password' folder if you want to.

    The '1Password 4' folder in ~/Library/Application Support/ is where versions 4, 5, and 6 store data & backups. It made sense to include the '4' in the name of that folder when we first released 1Password 4 from Mac, as it was a separate app from 1Password 3 and required its own data directory. 1Password 5 and 6 for Mac were written as updates for version 4, so they use all of the same data files & folders as version 4 did. Changing the folder name for each new version could actually have caused lots of problems, so we kept the '4'.

  • gregmaletic
    Community Member

    Got it, thanks!

    (Just a suggestion that I'm sure will not make a difference, but I feel compelled to mention it. :) If a user were to look at two folders — "1Password 4" and "1Password" — I think most would assume the "1Password 4" folder was the obsolete one, as we're way beyond version 4. Maybe it would be better to name the new one something else — maybe "1Password Active" or "1Password Current" — to push the user into the understanding that -that- is the important one. Thanks!)

  • @gregmaletic,

    Thanks for the suggestion. We'll probably be making a change in the future, but it won't be within the bug fix releases for 1Password 6.


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