Unable to restore from backup in a Mac 1Password6

Community Member

Hi there,
I am trying to restore my vault from an older backup. To do so, I went to preferences, clicked on backup, selected the backup I wanted to use and I clicked restore bottom. The following message appeared:

"Restore Backup?
Are you sure you want to restore this backup?
1Password will replace your data with the contents of the selected backup and then quit. You can then open 1Password again.
If you sync with Dropbox or iCloud, sync will be turned off. You can turn it back on in Preferences."

Then I clicked the restore bottom and nothing happened. I've restarted the program, even my laptop and I've tried again but no response. Can you help me with this? Thank you.

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: None


  • csmoran9
    Community Member

    Greetings ugaraig,

    That is strange that it did not restore after doing the proper acts. Have you tried exporting a local backup to your computer then restoring it from there instead of doing it directly through 1Password? If not, here is a link with the directions (https://support.1password.com/export/) and hopefully that will work this time then next time, the regular way will work.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ugaraig,

    When you say "nothing happened" when you clicked the 'Restore' button, do you mean that you still see the "Restore Backup?" dialog (as well as the 'Restore' and 'Cancel' buttons) as if you hadn't clicked anything at all? Does the button at least show that you're clicking on it?

  • ugaraig
    Community Member

    Hi Drew_AG,
    Yes, I still see the Restore Backup dialog as if I hadn't clicked anything. Anyway, I've tried to restore a different backup file and it worked fine, so at this point I think there was something wrong with the backup file I was trying to restore. I don't know...

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ugaraig,

    Hmm, that's really strange, but yes - it definitely sounds like something is wrong with that one backup file. Were you able to restore the data you needed from the other backup? If not, and you need to restore from the specific backup that isn't working, let us know and we'll try taking a further look into it to see if there's anything we can do. Thanks!

  • ugaraig
    Community Member

    Hi Drew_AG,

    I was able to get all the data I needed from the other backup so problem solved. Thanks a lot for your help.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome, I'm glad it all worked out! We're here for you if you need anything else. :)

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